- The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions. 集市的景象光怪陆离,纷然杂陈。
- Beaut oysters and grilled salmon and . 头等的牡蛎和烤鲑鱼,还有......
- They drank in the sights and sounds of the city. 他们尽情地欣赏城里的景物和音响。
- Enjoying some Spanish sights and way of life. 也能欣赏到西班牙的景色和民风。
- Look,sir,eighty-seven dollar for fried prawns and grilled lobster. 先生,请看,炸大虾和烤龙虾两项共计为87美元。
- He suffers from weak sight and weak hearing. 他的视力听力都差。
- Come about 4 o'clock. We'll have cocktails and grill steaks. 请四点钟左右来,我们喝鸡尾酒,吃烤牛排。
- Stimulates the baby's sight and sense of touch. 刺激孩子的视觉、触觉。
- Aso's haunts include an upscale hotel bar where coffee is poured out at $15 a cup, and a ritzy restaurant where the grilled eel starts at $175 a serving. 据日本几家主流报纸报道,麻生太郎接任首相一个月来,几乎每晚光顾高级酒吧或高档餐厅,只有四天晚上没出去。
- The Basenji hunts by both sight and scent. 贝生吉犬同时利用视觉和嗅觉进行狩猎。
- Ve been to lots of the great sights, shopping, eating. It's been non-stop. 很多很多!我去过很多观光点,还购物、吃饭,一刻都未停歇。
- They went to Murphy's Bar and Grill on 45th Street in New York. 他们去了纽约第45号街的墨菲酒吧兼烧烤店。
- Hilda's mother has second sight and correctly predicted the date on which Hilda met the man she eventually married. 希尔达的母亲有先见之明,她能正确地预见希达哪一天会碰上她的未婚夫。
- The bazaar is a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions. 集市的景象光怪陆离,纷然杂陈。
- They had to lower their sights and buy a smaller house than they would have liked. 他们原来想买一所大房子,後来不得不降低要求买一所较小的。
- Defrost cuttlefish ball and grill or barbecue till cooked and serve. 烧烤解冻后墨鱼丸直到熟为止。
- To see Steerforth walk to church before us, arm in arm with Miss Creakle, was one of the great sights of my life. 看着史朵夫和克里克小姐手挽着手,在我们前面一同往教堂里去,是我平生所看到的伟观之一。
- Yes, there's lots of great sights, lots to see and do, great shopping and great food. 是的,有很多好看的景点,有许多要看和要做的事情,有许多可以买的好东西和好吃的食物。
- The sights and sounds of such a night lull pain and grief to rest. 象这种夜间的景色和声音,才能催眠着痛苦和烦恼,叫它们好好地安睡。