- Gain on Sale of investments 投资处置收益
- gain on sale of investment 出售投资收益
- Any difference between the proceeds of the sale and the cost of the investment is recorded by a debit to Loss on Sale of Marketable Securities or by a credit to Gain on sale of Marketable Securities. 在出售收入与投资成本之间的任何差异则借记有价证券出售损失或贷记有价证券出售收益。
- We have a corner on sale of out-town papers. 我们垄断了外地报纸的销售。
- Net gain on sale of financing transactions 融资交易出售的凈利得
- gains on sale of treasury stocks [经] 出售库存股份收益
- The government placed restrictions on sales of weapons. 政府对武器销售实行限制。
- gain on sale of stock [经] 股票出售收益
- Do not bank on the sale of your house. 不要指望出售你的住宅。
- To record sale of investments and gain 记录投资的处置及其收益
- To gain on or get ahead of(a sailing vessel). 追过(他船)逼近或追过(他船)
- The first of the new computers may be on sale in the new year. 首批新电脑可能於明年上市销售。
- Many people are opposed to the sale of arms on principle. 许多人根据自己的是非观反对出售武器。
- gain on conversion of investments [经] 投资变换收益
- The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops. 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中出售。
- He continued to gain on the rest of the runners. 他继续跑在其他运动员前面。
- The exchange said Boqi made a profit of Y2bn in 2006 on sales of Y19bn. 东京证交所称,博奇公司2006年的销售收入为190亿日元,利润为20亿日元。
- The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。
- Profit on sales of investments 投资利润
- Rare comestibles are on sale in this market. 这个市场卖稀有食品。