- IBM game control adapter IBM游戏控制适配器
- Game Control Adapter 游戏控制适配器
- Classes could make the use of a control adapter unnecessary. 类中包括的适应性使得无需使用控件适配器成为可能。
- Control adapter classes that correspond to controls in the system. 对应于系统中的控件的控件适配器类。
- Crystal Grand adventure game control: Control key to move around, jump box. 水晶岛大冒险游戏控制:方向键控制左右走动,空格跳。
- To calibrate your game controller, click Calibrate. 要校准游戏控制器,请单击“校准”。
- Game Controls: left mouse button for firing. 游戏操作:鼠标左键进行射击。
- It is unlikely you would need to override these methods when creating a new control adapter based on this class. 基于此类创建新的控件适配器时,您不太可能需要重写这些方法。
- Game Controls: left mouse button launches bubble. 游戏操作:鼠标左键发射泡泡。
- The.NET Framework maps a single control adapter to a derived WebControl object for each client request. 针对每个客户端请求;.;NET Framework将单个控件适配器映射到一个派生的WebControl对象。
- Generates the target-specific inner markup for the Web control to which the control adapter is attached. 为附加了控件适配器的Web控件生成特定于目标的内部标记内容。
- Game Controls: Control key direction for the space jump. 游戏操作:方向键控制方向,空格为跳跃。
- Game Controls: Control key to the direction of the blank bombings. 游戏操作:方向键控制方向,空格为投弹。
- Game Controls: before and after control direction for the jump. 游戏操作:前后控制方向,上为跳跃。
- For convenience, the device-specific control adapter base class should expose properties that grant access to the page adapter and the form adapter. 为了方便,特定于设备的控件适配器基类应该公开允许访问页适配器和窗体适配器的属性。
- Game Controls: wasd control direction, the left mouse button shot. 游戏操作:wasd控制方向,鼠标左键开枪。
- As a rule, if some functionality requires the context of a control, you might want to consider placing it in the control adapter base class. 一般规则是,如果某些功能需要控件的上下文,则可能需要考虑将其放置在控件适配器基类中。
- Use this wizard to calibrate the axes of your game controller. 使用该向导校准游戏控制器的轴。
- Customizes rendering for the Web control to which the control adapter is attached, to modify the default markup or behavior for specific browsers. [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
- If this response is received, the Game Controller kills the Bug. 这个应答被(戏控制)收到,游戏控制会杀死这只臭虫。