- Gaudiya Vaishnavismn. 高迪亚毗湿奴派
- Vaishnavism is exclusively a religion of bhakti. 毗瑟奴派是一个专有的巴克提(虔信)宗教。
- Two other Vaishnava teachers deserve mention. 其他两位外氏那瓦导师也应值得提起。
- To develop the devotee's love for God, Vaishnavism humanises God. 为了发展奉献者对神的爱,毗瑟奴派把神人格化。
- Mahendra belonged to the Vaishnava sect and was Ram's neighbour. 摩亨佐属于外氏那瓦教派(毗瑟奴派),也是罗姆的邻居。
- Ram's father was a devout Vaishnava and worshipped Krishna daily at home. 罗姆的父亲是一位虔诚的外氏那瓦,每天都在家中敬拜克里希纳。
- Of the 10 incarnations of later Vaishnavism, however, only two seem to have been much worshiped in the Gupta period. 然而,后期外氏那瑕的十个化身里面,似乎只有两个在笈多时期被广泛崇拜。
- After completing the Tantrik sadhana Sri Ramakrishna followed the Brahmani in the disciplines of Vaishnavism. 坦陀罗成就法结束之后,室利罗摩克里希纳跟着女婆罗门进行毗瑟奴派修持。
- Araiyar and Vaishnavism - Araiyar philosophy, practices, articles, tapes and books. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Together with Vaishnavism and Shaivism, it is one of the major forms of Hinduism practiced today. 与毗湿奴教、湿婆教同为现行印度教的主要形式。
- They gave the growing Vaishnava bhakti cults a philosophical framework that also influenced some Saivite schools. 他们给予了成长中的外氏那瓦祭礼一个哲学架构,也影响着一些湿婆派别。
- The traditional and centuries old Yaosang festival of Manipur amalgamated with Holi in the 18th century with the introduction of Vaishnavism. 该节日在18世纪与传统的、具有几个世纪历史的曼尼普尔尧桑节合为一体,节日引入了毗湿奴崇拜概念。
- Most South Indian Hindu sects and some Vaishnava sects based in eastern India regard Balarama as being the ninth avatar of Vishnu. 大多数的南印度教派和一些东印度的毗瑟奴派都把巴拉胡米认定为毗瑟奴的第九个化身。
- Some Shaiva Puranas extol the virtues of Shiva over Vishnu and some Vaishnava Puranas extol the virtues of Vishnu over Shiva. 一些湿婆往世书赞美湿婆的优点胜过毗瑟奴,而一些毗瑟奴往世书赞美毗瑟奴的优点胜过湿婆。
- Born in East Bengal, she was an adept in the Tantrik and Vaishnava methods of worship. 她出生于东孟加拉,擅长坦陀罗和毗瑟奴派的崇拜方式。
- He was now to take up the other relationships prescribed by the Vaishnava scriptures. 他已经根据毗瑟奴派经文指定的,开始与神建立其他关系。
- About the year 1864 there came to Dakshineswar a wandering Vaishnava monk, Jatadhari, whose Ideal Deity was Rama. 大约在1864年,有一位叫杰塔达里的毗瑟奴派云游僧来到达克希什瓦,心目中的理想神是罗摩。
- Unlike Christianity, and Shaivism, Vaishnavism believes that God takes a special (including human) form whenever there is a decline of righteousness (dharma) and rise of evil. 不像基督教和克什米尔湿婆派,外士瓦那派认为只要公义(达摩,教规)衰落,邪恶上升的时候,神都会以一个特别的形体(包括人类)出现。
- It is the cultivation of this divine love that is the chief concern of the Vaishnava religion. 培养这种神圣的爱是毗瑟奴派宗教的要点。
- On the other hand he had an equal fondness for our older Bengali authors and Vaishnava Poets. 另一方面,他也同样喜爱我们孟加拉的老作家和毗湿奴派诗人。