- General Communication Company 通用通信公司
- For general communication equipment, canning, car product and general electric appliance. 适用于一般通信器材、制罐、汽车制造及一般电子零件。
- A general communication system, channel coding theorem and source-channel coding theorem. 通信系统的一般模型,信道编码定理和信源信道编码定理。
- Other a few manufacturers, for example Microsoft, the test program that is in reappraisal company, and Netscape communication company is developing new test program. 其它一些厂商,例如微软公司,正在重新评价公司的测试程序,而 Netscape 通信公司则在开发新的测试程序。
- Conceptual Planning of General Community Project of Tianjin City. 天津大型综合性社区项目概念性规划方案设计。
- Redaction Technics: To know and use redaction techniques to use the convenient speech to the respective public, on the report, norms, procedures and general communication. 良好的编写技巧,在报告、标准规范以及特定的环境下用简洁明了的语句阐述自己的观点,以达到预期的目标。
- The latest wrongdoing happened at the huge communications company WorldCom. 最近一起发生在大型通信公司??世界通信身上。
- The research for strategic development of the Liaoning communication company can provide the decision making reference not only for actual telecommunication operator but also for the enterprise in telecommunication industry. 战略是动态的,重在实施效果,对辽宁通信竞争战略的研究不仅能为现实的电信运营商提供竞争战略选择的依据,同时对与电信行业相关的同类型企业也具有借鉴作用。
- So, the correctness of the strategy for HRM (human resource management) is the key factor deciding the survival and development of the Communication Company of Tarim Basin oil field. 因此,塔里木油田通信公司企业人力资源管理战略正确与否,就成为决定塔罩木油田通信公司生存与发展的重要因素。
- With the applications of programmed telephone exchange machine,intranet(LAN)and modern wireless communication technology,a general communication system for doctors and nurses is developed. 利用医院内部完善的程控交换机、计算机局域网优势,结合现代无线通讯技术,组成医护综合通讯服务系统。
- The most important national communications company said today that it plans to buy out one of its three shareholders. 这家国有通信公司是业内的龙头企业,共有三大股东,今天它宣布计划收购其中一位股东的股份。
- Chai Songyue, governor of Zhejiang Province, sent a New Year congratulatory letter to US Zhejiang General Community. 浙江省省长柴松岳致美国浙江部会新年贺信。
- Warburg Communications (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. of Taiwan investors to set up Warburg Communications Company. 华宝通讯(南京)有限公司系台湾华宝通讯股份有限公司投资成立。
- In the general community,the niche breadths of specie-pairs are obviously greater than in other community. 总群落中,各种群的生态位宽度明显大于其在其他群落里的生态位宽度。
- In the general community, the niche breadths of specie-pairs are obviously greater than in other community. 总群落中,各种群的生态位宽度明显大于其在其他群落里的生态位宽度。
- Motorola is committed to delivering next generation communication solutions to people, businesses and governments. 摩托罗拉致力为个人、企业及政府带来新一代通讯方案。
- MKM Communications - Shanghai Business Review (SBR)MKM Communications, a western management advertising and communications company. 上海中源之窗广告有限公司,一家采用西方管理模式的广告公司。
- Local cable television and communication companies also conducted interviews, filmed the activities, and broadcasted reports of the events. 当地几家有线电视及传播公司亦前来采访及做详细的播报。
- My company impost general merchandise. 我公司经营杂货进口业务。
- Lin Kai, executive chairman of US Zhejiang General Community, is busy rushing about enthusiastically for Sino-American friendship. 美国浙江总会招待主席林凯热情为中美友谊奔忙。