- General Reference Office 询问处
- I was making a general reference, it was really not aimed at you on purpose. 我这是泛指,决非故意针对你。
- His say is generally refer to general situation,Does not contrapose somebody. 他的发言是泛指一般情况,不是针对某一个人的。
- Shares in general refer to the ordinary shares issued by the company,and they represent the ownership of a part of a company. 股票一般是指公司所发行的普通股,它代表了股东对公司的拥有权。
- The case studies can be used for discussions in class and talks, or for general reference purpose. 该些个案可作课堂或讲座上的讨论之用,亦可作为一般性的参考资料。
- Now, generally refer to good quality paperboard with smooth finish. 现时则泛指任何滑面,优质的纸板。
- The MSN is intended for general reference only. It may be updated and revised from time to time. 注释总表只供一般参考之用,其内容或会不时予以更新和修订。
- Shares in general refer to the ordinary shares issued by the company, and they represent the ownership of a part of a company. 股票一般是指公司所发行的普通股,它代表了股东对公司的拥有权。
- The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIA Ordinance for details and seek independent legal advice. 上述注解只供一般参考用,欲知有关详情,许可证持有人须参阅环评条例及征询独立法律意见。
- Lot of C source code, gradually increase the difficulty for novice can also be programmed as a general reference. 好多的C源码,难度逐渐加深,适合新手;也可以作为一般编程的参考.
- Approximately since the Qin and Han periods, the meaning of fu has extended to referrer office areas. 约从秦汉开始,“府”之所指又拓展到“官署”等义域。
- The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice. 上述注解只供一般参考用,欲知有关详情,许可证持有人须参阅环评条例及徵询独立法律意见。
- These documents are general reference guides for the various software tools and are not specific to a particular drive or family of drives. 这些文件是多种软件工具的一般参考指南,并不针对特定硬碟或硬碟系列。
- Abuse allegations are generally referred to the CIA inspector general"s office, which investigates from within. 施虐的辩解涉及中情局检查部门,而中情局是负责调查的机构。
- Form and Line generally refer to the how the subjects are shaped in the piece. “造型”和“线条”一般是指物象在作品中是如何被塑造的。
- His speaking generally refer to currently instance, it don't contrapose anyone. 他的发言是泛指一般情况,不是针对某一个人的。
- The information in this article and on this site is for general reference purposes only and not intended to address specific medical conditions. 本文章以及该网站是为一般仅供参考,不打算针对特定的医疗条件。
- The discovery of America is generally referred to Columbus. 一般人都说美洲是哥伦布发现的。
- Corps Epidemiological Reference Office 军流行病查询办公室
- In a broad sense, Bayesian epistemology makes a general reference about all of the subjectivism theories about probable induction. 广义而言,贝叶斯认识论则泛指关于概率归纳的所有主观主义理论。