- A geologic structure in which all layers are inclined in the same direction. 单斜结构一种所有地层朝同一方向倾斜的地质结构
- The geologic structures is very complex and the surface is a crisscross network of gullies in the Hefei Basin. 合肥盆地地质构造复杂,地表沟壑纵横,通过对重力异常目标处理,揭示基底特征及断裂、构造发育情况,认为本区南北分区,"众凹环隆"。
- The pictures radioed back by spacecraft that have oribited and landed on Mars show a host of intriguing geologic structures. 从围绕火星运行和在火星上着陆的宇宙飞船所传回来的照片上,可以看到一大批令人感兴趣的地质结构。
- The pictures radioed back by spacecraft that have orbited and landed on Mars show a host of intriguing geologic structures. 从围绕火星运行和在火星上着陆的宇宙飞船所传回来的照片上,可以看到一大批令人感兴趣的地质结构。
- It is difficult to look for and delineate Mesozoic local structures in areas with comphcated surface terrain,seismcgeologic condition, and geologic structures. 在地表地形、地震地质条件和地质结构复杂地区,使用单一的地震方法寻找、落实中生界局部构造难度较大。
- In the area covered by Zhuolan formation, rock layers are homogeneously inclined with no specific geologic structures, the drainage development is in dip direction. 另外,在垂直空间分析中,绘制贯穿大安溪、大甲溪及其河阶地之河流横剖面,以讨论此剖面上所显露之地形特徵。
- In an area with relative complex geologic structures,introduction of stacking process may result in some aberrance or lost of seismic reflect information from big dip-angle strata or fine or micro geologic phenomenon. 在地下地质构造相对复杂的地区,由于叠加过程的引入,导致了一些来自于大倾角地层或细微地质现象产生的地震反射信息的畸变或损失。
- Abstract: Pre-stack depth migration which starts directly from undulating earth surface turms out to be a valid way to deal with irregular topography and complex geologic structures. 文章摘要: 直接从起伏地表开始的叠前深度偏移方法是分析复杂地表和复杂地质体成像的有效手段。
- The major difference is that geological structures have limited permeability. 主要的问题是地质结构的渗透性有限。
- The geological structures of the region is simple with only weak magmatism. 含矿岩系为蓟县系雾迷山组富镁碳酸盐岩,区域构造简单,岩浆活动微弱。
- This paper introduces the treatment of Xijiang highway landslide on the complicated geologic structure. 笔者在文中全面介绍了江西会昌西江大滑坡的处理,对以后处理同类问题具有一定的参考价值.
- The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide,mudflow and rockfall. 大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡、泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生。
- The geological structure of the place speaks of oil underground. 这地方的地质结构证明地下有石油。
- The regional geologic structure is complex.The rock mass is mainly composed of Jurassic sandrock and conglomerate. 其坝址区区域地质构造复杂,分布侏罗系中统河湖相沉积的厚层砂(砾)岩。
- Misunderstanding of dipmeter log in geologic structure interpretation is analysed. 分析地层倾角资料构造解释的误区。
- Northern Xinjjiang is characterized by complicated geologic structure and intense volcanic activities of Palaeozoic. 新疆北部地质构造复杂,古生代火山活动很强烈。
- Airborne magnetic data was used to study complex geological structures in the Dali-Ruili area. 摘要大理至瑞丽铁路处于青藏高原和云贵高原的结合部,区内地质构造复杂。
- In the light of the special chanacteristics of China's geologic structure, Li Siguang applied the method of geomechanics to study the law of crustal movement. 有鉴于我国地质结构的特点,李四光运用地质力学的方法,来研究地壳运动的规律。
- As an important detecting tool,there are many key technology to be solved,So TEM soundings is limited in the shallow geologic structure exploration. 但是作为一种重要探测工具,瞬变电磁仪的许多关键技术还没有解决,限制了瞬变电磁勘探法在工程勘探领域的应用。
- Basic concepts of the New Rotation Hypothesis on geologic structure genesis and a seriesof deductions, applied to the technology ore also stated. 提出构造形成的地球自转新假说的基本概念和可应用于上述技术的一系列推论。