- "There are so few bronzes from classical times," says Carol Mattusch of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. 弗吉尼亚费尔法克斯的乔治梅森大学的卡洛尔·马图西说:“很少有古典时期留下的青铜雕像。
- Abul Hussam is a chemistry professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. 阿布胡山姆是维基尼亚乔治梅森大学的化学教授。
- And George Mason University in Virginia is closing its campus in Ras Al Khaimah, another of the United Arab Emirates. 弗吉尼亚州乔治梅森大学准备关闭设在阿联酋另外一个城市拉斯阿尔卡麦的校区。
- In 1990 Hazen took on a second position, as professor of earth science at George Mason University. 1990年起,他也兼任美国乔治梅森大学的地球科学教授。
- Bryan Caplan blogger, professor of economics at George Mason University and an Adjunct Scholar of the Cato Institute. 布赖恩卡布兰,博客主,乔治马森大学经济学教授,卡图研究会的助理学者。
- A lot of renowned leaders and other renowned orators visited George Mason University frequently and made the lecture. 许多世界上著名的领袖人物和其他著名演说家经常访问乔治梅森大学并发表演讲。
- Mr. Smith, professor of economics and law at George Mason University, is the 2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics. 史密斯:乔治梅森大学经济学和法学教授,2002年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者。
- For example, George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia offers its professors training in instructional technology.G.M. 比如,弗吉尼亚的费尔法科斯的乔治梅森大学为他们的教授提供技术指导。
- When it comes to information technology in higher education, Rick Reo at George Mason University says the sky is the limit. 当信息技术应用于高等教育,瑞克说,没有限制。
- She has had extensive experience," said James Pfiffner, an expert on the presidency at George Mason University in Virginia. 她到过世界许多国家,有丰富的经验。
- And George Mason University in Virginia is closing its campus in Ras Al Khaimah-- , another of the United Arab Emirates. 弗吉尼亚州的乔治梅森大学在另一阿拉伯联合酋长国--哈伊马角的分校正处于关闭状态。
- George Mason University government expert James Pfiffner says Mr. Obama is wise to put his new team in place as soon as possible. 乔治.;梅森大学的政府事务专家詹姆斯
- Now, along with Neal Young of the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and Omar Al-Ubaydli, an economist at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, he suggests why. 现在就由在马里兰州国家卫生机构的尼尔.;恙和菲尔福克斯乔治梅森大学的经济学家奥马尔
- George Mason University just published a ranking of Freedom by States, in which New Hampshire came in number one overall, and number two in the subcategory of economic freedom. 乔治梅森大学刚公布了一份洲际自由度的排名。其中,新罕布什尔州综合排名第一,子排名中自由经济排名第二。
- "I think the almost ineradicable line in America is between blacks and all others," says Roger Wilkins,a history professor at George Mason University in suburban Virginia and a longtime civil rights figure. “我认为在美国,黑人和其他人种的界线几乎无法消除,”弗吉尼亚州乔治.;梅森大学的历史学教授罗杰
- Tyler Cowen, of George Mason University, points out that America has more than3,000 halls of fame, honouring everyone from rock stars and sportsmen to dog mushers, pickle-packers and accountants. 乔治.;梅森大学的泰勒
- "I think the almost ineradicable line in America is between blacks and all others," says Roger Wilkins, a history professor at George Mason University in suburban Virginia and a longtime civil rights figure. "我认为在美国,黑人和其他人种的界线几乎无法消除,"弗吉尼亚州乔治.;梅森大学的历史学教授罗杰
- "It is really important, particularly for someone like Obama who is relatively new to Washington," said Stephen Farnsworth, presidential expert at George Mason University in Virginia. 维吉尼亚乔治.;梅森大学研究总统问题的专家史蒂芬
- Tyler Cowen, of George Mason University, points out that America has more than 3,000 halls of fame, honouring everyone from rock stars and sportsmen to dog mushers, pickle-packers and accountants. 乔治.;梅森大学的泰勒