- Director George Tenet made his comments before a U. S. Senate panel Tuesday. 主管乔治特纳是在星期二面对美国参议院小组的时候作出这番言论。
- Attorney General John Ashcroft and Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet. 司法部长john Ashcroft及中央情报局负责人George Tenet。
- A new book by former CIA Director George Tenet says the Bush administration rushed to war without serious debate. A senior White House counselor dismisses the charges. 前联邦调查局前局长乔治.;特纳特所写的一本新书中指出布什政府未经慎重讨论就匆忙开战
- Outgoing CIA Director George Tenet, right, talks with FBI Director Robert Mueller during farewell ceremonies for Tenet at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. Thursday, July 8, 2004. 7月8日,在美国中央情报局(CIA)为其举行的告别仪式上,即将正式离职的中情局局长特尼特(右)与美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长穆勒交谈。
- President Bush gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former CIA Director George Tenet, former U.S. Administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer, and former U.S. Commander in Iraq General Tommy Franks. 美国总统布什把总统自由勋章授予前中央情报局局。
- President Bush gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former CIA Director George Tenet, former U.S.Administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer, and former U.S.Commander in Iraq General Tommy Franks. 美国总统布什把总统自由勋章授予前中央情报局局长特纳特、前美国驻伊拉克行政长官布莱默和前驻伊美军司令福兰克斯。
- George led them back to the right way. 乔治把他们领回到正路上来。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 乔治是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。
- I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death. 听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。
- Be not a visit to Mr. George obligatory? 是不是必须我拜访乔治先生?
- George would never admit to being wrong. 乔治从不认错。
- George, I will make an example of him. 我发誓,我一定要拿他惩一儆百。
- The stock market crash did George in. 股票行情狂跌使乔治遭到破产。
- He quarreled about politics with George. 他同乔治争论有关政治活动的事。
- This is a flattering picture of George. 乔治的这张照片比他本人好看。
- George is a brave and selfless man. 乔治是一个勇敢无私的人。
- George failed history last semester. 乔治上学期历史考试不及格。
- George blew his cool at the insult. 面对侮辱,乔治再也沈不住气。
- Uncle George is always running down the government. 乔治叔叔总是诋毁政府。
- George was a widower with six young children. 乔治是个带著六个小孩子的鳏夫。