- Gerbillus hesperinusn. 西部小沙鼠
- Any of various small,mouselike rodents of the genus Gerbillus and related genera of arid regions of Africa and Asia Minor,having long hind legs and a long tail. 沙鼠,一种沙鼠属及非洲和小亚细亚干旱地区的相关种类的似鼠的小啮齿动物,有长的后腿及尾部。
- Any of various small, mouselike rodents of the genus Gerbillus and related genera of arid regions of Africa and Asia Minor, having long hind legs and a long tail. 沙鼠一种沙鼠属及非洲和小亚细亚干旱地区的相关种类的似鼠的小啮齿动物,有长的后腿及尾部
- Gerbillus andersonin. 安氏小沙鼠
- Gerbillus nanusn. 矮小沙鼠
- Gerbillus cheesmanin. 齐氏小沙鼠
- Gerbillus pyramidumn. 以色列小沙鼠
- Gerbillus gleadowin. 毛足小沙鼠
- Gerbillus campestrisn. 北方小沙鼠
- Gerbillus mesopotamiaen. 美索不达尼亚小沙鼠
- Gerbillusn. 小沙鼠属
- Gerbillus henleyin. 俾格米小沙鼠
- Gerbillus famulusn. 黑缨小沙鼠
- Gerbillus dasyurusn. 狐尾小沙鼠
- Gerbillus poecilopsn. 阿拉伯小沙鼠
- Gerbillus agagn. 华丽小沙鼠
- Gerbillus amoenusn. 欣喜小沙鼠
- Gerbillus bottain. 博氏小沙鼠
- Gerbillus dunnin. 杜尼小沙鼠
- Gerbillus gerbillusn. 小沙鼠