- Get Rich Or Die Tryin': The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 电影原声专辑由
- Get Rich or Die Tryin 不富就去死
- 50 Cent:: Get Rich Or Die Tryin 50分::变得富有或试着去死
- 50 Cent scrapped the first recording of the album, fearing he hadn't outdone his major label debut, Get Rich or Die Trying. 50 分扔弃了相簿的第一录音, 害怕他没有超越他的主要标签初次登场,富有或死尝试。
- He did not aspire to become an official, get rich or go into business. 他想不到做官,发财,置买产业;
- He didn't aspire to become an official, get rich or go into business. 他想不到做官,发财,置买产业;
- Little does he care whether we live or die. 他一点也不管我们是死是活。
- He little cares whether we live or die. 他根本不问我们是死是活。
- You can't get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。
- Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays. 现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。
- Many a man has tried to get rich without success. 许多人力求发财但都未成功。
- They had little desire for wealth/to get rich. 他们对财富[致富]无大欲望。
- I had to get down that rock face, do or die down, before nightfall. 天黑前我只得不顾死活,从那块岩石上下来了。
- Characterized by rich or profuse growth. 茂盛的以丰富或大量地增长为特征的
- I had to get down that rock face,do or die,before nightfall. 天黑前我只得不顾死活,从那块岩石上下来了。
- A woman cannot be too rich or too thin. 女人永远不可能太有钱或太瘦。
- Get the car to stop or die in a spiral of high speed! 把车停下来否则就会在高速中遇上车祸!
- He is always happy whether rich or not. 不管穷还是富,他都快活。
- Or, I'm going to beat Josh at ping pong, do or die. 或者是,我要在乒乓球上打败乔希,“要么就做,要么去死”。
- A very rich or powerful person;a magnate. 巨头一个非常富有而有权势的人;巨头