- Ghellungiella halophila 盐芥
- The western shore of Tai Ho, where the rare sea grass Halophila beccarii can still be found, used to support Horseshoe Crabs which are relatively rare in the local context. 大蚝西岸仍可找到稀有的贝克盐藻Halophila beccarii,扶养本地稀有的马蹄蟹。
- Salt cress (Thettungiella halophila), a close relative of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, is an extremophile that is adapted to harsh saline environment. 盐芥(Thellungiella halophila)是一种与模式生物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)亲缘关系很近的十字花科且能在高盐的环境下生存的盐生植物。
- Iris halophila Pall. ,以 花 、 种子 入药。
- Key words Thellungiella halophila 盐芥
- Set up Leaf Disc Transformation System of Thellungiella Halophila 用叶圆盘法建立盐芥(Thellungiella halophila)的遗传转化体系
- High Efficient Callus Induction and Adventitious Bud Differentiation of Betula halophila 盐桦(Betula halophila)愈伤组织的高效诱导和不定芽的分化
- Salt-tolerance Mechanism Study on Thellungiella Halophila as a New Model Halophyte 盐芥(Thellungiella Halophila)作为耐盐模式植物的耐盐机理研究
- Betula halophilan. 盐桦
- Halophila 盐藻属
- Halophila beccariin. 贝克喜盐草
- Halophila minorn. 小喜盐草
- Iris halophilan. 喜盐鸢尾
- Halophila ovalisn. 喜盐草
- ThellungieUa halophila 盐芥
- Navicula halophilan. 盐生舟形灌
- Thellungiella halophilan. 小盐芥