- Giant forest squirreln. 非洲巨松鼠
- Lightning strikes ignited giant forest fires, denuding large areas even in the tropics. 闪电点燃了森林大火,连热带地区也出现大片光秃裸露的土地。
- New Caledonian Giant Forest Geckon. 新喀里多尼亚大林虎(壁虎科;多趾虎)
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- It is said that there are wolves in this forest. 据说这片森林里有狼。
- The giant panda is native to China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。
- A large part of Africa is made up of thick forest. 非洲的大部分地区都是密林。
- Shakespeare is a giant among writers. 莎士比亚是作家中的大文豪。
- Tourists come in droves to see the giant panda. 成群结队的游客前来观赏大熊猫。
- The giant panda has become an endangered species. 大熊猫已成了一种濒临灭绝的动物。
- There is a leafy forest in our hometown. 在我们的家乡有一片树叶茂密的森林。
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- The hero smote the giant with his sword. 英雄用剑猛劈巨人。
- Billows of flame swept through the forest. 熊熊烈火席卷森林。
- The forest was almost impassable. 森林几乎不可逾越。
- The giant shovel is biting off big chunks from the hill. 巨型铲土机正在把小山头一大口一大口地啃掉。
- If the zoo has obtained another giant panda it's news to me. 我还不知道动物园已添了一只大熊猫。
- The path petered out deep in the forest. 小路漫漫消失在密林深处。
- The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire. 那小屋被森林大火烧毁。
- The wind wailed in the forest all night. 风在林子里彻夜呼啸。