- The negotiator produce a new set of figures. 谈判者们提出了一组新数字。
- I got a new job and a new set of work associations. 我有了新工作和一班新同事。
- She has acquired a new set of interests. 她逐步有了一些新的爱好。
- The new set of stamps will be issued as the commemorative. 这套新邮票将作为纪念物品发行。
- Adoration will give new power for intercession. 敬拜能使代祷有一种新的能力。
- You give new meaning to the word vacuous. 你使无聊这个词有了新的含义
- We are now facing a whole new set of problems. 我们现在正碰到一系列的新问题。
- A new set of conditions is just showing itself. 一系列新的情况也在渐渐露头。
- Give New Set 请用新装置
- He put forward a new set of theories independently. 他独立地提出了一套新理论
- I'm in a cleft stick; I don't know whether to spend my bonus on a holiday or on a new set of clothes. 我现在进退两难:我不知道该把奖金用于度假呢,还是用于购置一套新衣服。
- We are going to built a new set of ASP. 我们要新建一套空分装置。
- They bought a new set of furniture. 他们买了一套新家具。
- Brings with it a new set of lies. 总是伴随着一系列的谎言
- They give new life to the classic scooter and joy to a lucky new Vespa owner. 他们不仅这些经典机车有了新生命,也为幸运的新车主带来快乐。
- A new set of notes is in currency now. 现在市场上流通着一套新的钞票。
- The country also has a new set of mining laws. 这个国家同时还颁布了一系列采矿法。
- We will sort, catalog and give new life to the wayward verse and prose. 我们将整理,编录并给予这些任性的诗句和散文以新的生命。
- The old man acquired a new set of teeth. 这个老人配了一副新牙。
- I got a new set of Legos for my birthday. 我生日时收到一套新的乐高玩具。