- Gladys Aylward 艾伟德
- Gladys Schaefer likes to get things done. 葛拉蒂丝.薛佛喜欢把事情搞定。
- Gladys is really quite a nice cook. 格拉迪斯的厨艺真是完美。
- Gladys got a job as a secretary. 格拉迪斯找到了一份秘书工作。
- Gladys Claffern. Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks. 锤子落下,火花飞溅。
- Jones had got Gladys Linch into trouble, as the saying goes. 琼斯让格雷迪斯怀孕了,就像流言里讲的那样。
- Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. 出席:凯西;格秋,导读人;戴维斯,速记。
- My wife Gladys and I are staying with a most delightful family. 很幸运,我们入住的家庭非常友好。
- The previous record was 8 feet 7 inches, baked by Gladys Pelsnick. 现在的纪录是直径8英尺7英寸,是克拉丽斯所创造的。
- Gladys (right) and Brenda were obviously on cloud nine. 何韵婷(右)和刘秀真难掩欢庆佳节喜悦之情。
- Gladys ,to whom you were introduced yesterday ,also rides to work with us . 我昨天给你介绍的那位格莱蒂斯也骑车一起跟我们去工作。
- Gladys , to whom you were introduced yesterday , also rides to work with us . 我昨天给你介绍的那位格莱蒂斯也骑车一起跟我们去工作。
- Aylward P.Thrombolytic therapy,where are we now.Medical progress,1995,22(9):916. 孟庆义主编.急性心肌梗塞的现代诊断和治疗.第1版.北京:海洋出版社,1998.44-45.
- Gladys , to whom you were introduced yesterday , also rides to work with us. 我昨天给你介绍的那位格莱蒂斯也骑车一起跟我们去工作。
- Dr. Francis Ting presenting souvenir to organising chairperson Gladys Ho. 陈绍铣医生赠送纪念品予筹委主席何韵婷。
- My undergraduate student Laura Aylward is currently investigating whether more complex statistical features of the manuscript can be reproduced using the Cardan grille technique. 我的大学部学生爱尔沃正在研究,使用卡丹格板法是否能仿造这份手稿更复杂的统计特性。
- Gladys always pokes her nose into doing something,I don't know how she will have time deal with her own thing. 格拉迪斯总是爱管闲事,我不知道她怎么会有时间处理她自己的事。
- When 72-year-old Gladys Dressner first saw two snakes last in her new apartment last month, she froze. 72岁的格拉迪斯女士上个月在她的新公寓里“邂逅”了两只蛇,这是她头一次在公寓里见到蛇,吓的她就像被点穴了似的,这还没完呢。
- Meet our visiting Master Chef, Chef Gerardo, Chef Gladys and Chef Rolando, all the way from Mexico. 亲临怡咖啡体验来自墨西哥的主厨们为您带来的墨西哥美食之旅!
- Gladys Yang, a British translator, is one of the first few translators who translated Chinese into English. 英籍翻译家戴乃迭是最早开始从事汉英翻译的少数当代翻译家之一。