- A glass tube for enclosing the flame of a lamp. 玻璃灯罩围住灯的火焰的玻璃管
- Glass tube maker 玻璃管制作工
- Heat the glass tube to the point that it can bend. 将玻璃管加热,以能弯曲为度。
- Seal up one end of a glass tube about 34 inches long. 把长约34英吋的玻璃管的一端封闭起来。
- It consists of a vertical, tapered glass tube containing a movable weight. 它在垂直的锥形的玻璃管内装一个可以活动的重物。
- This light consists of a glass tube containing argon and a droplet of mercury. 这种灯是由一根充有氩气和微量汞的玻璃管组成。
- A mercurial barometer has a glass tube a little more than 30 inches long. 水银气压表有一长30英寸多一点的玻璃管。
- The glass tube ends in a bulb. 玻璃管的末端呈球形。
- Quarts glass tubes provided by GE. 灯管采用GE公司石英玻管。
- A mercurial barometer has a glass tube a little more than30 inches long. 水银气压表有一长30英寸多一点的玻璃管。
- Unique design to prevent glass tube from being impacted directly by particles. 独特设计,可防止微粒直接撞击玻璃管。
- A mercury thermometer is made of a glass tube with a bulb at one end. 凭常识我们知道温度计下面的。
- Hemostasia was assessed by the methods of glass tube and glass plate. 止血实验采用毛细玻璃管法和载玻片法。
- A good glassblower could make a glass tube like this one in fifteen minutes. 一个好的玻璃管工十五分钟能制作一个这样的玻璃管。
- Mohr-style pipets are made from glass tubing of uniform bore. Mohr型移液管由孔径均匀的玻璃管制成。
- It can maintain a fluid interface at a reference line in an inclined glass tube. 它能保持流体分界面在倾斜的玻璃管中基准线上。
- Electrodes inside each end of the glass tube are connected to a high-voltage source. 玻璃管两端内侧的电极与一个高压电源相接。
- A glass tube a few feet long is closed at one end with glass and at the other with a flexible diaphragm. 它是一个几英尺长的玻璃管,一端用玻璃封闭,另一端用柔性隔膜封闭。
- A glass tube filled with mercury gas and coated on its inner surface with phosphors. 一根充满水银气体的玻璃管和涂上在有黄磷的它的内部表面上。
- We want to buy glass tubes made from borosilicate glass (Type1). ... 查看“冶金矿产-管件管材-其他”:公司信息商品信息供应信息