- global war; global monetary policies. 世界战争;全球金融政策
- It would have been better if all countries had devalued against gold at the same time, allowing a looser global monetary policy much earlier. 如果各国货币同时贬值,趁早实现宽松的货币政策,事情发展就会好得多。
- So it is worrying that global monetary policy is now at its loosest since the 1970s: the average world real interest rate is negative. 令人担忧的是,目前全球货币政策自1970年以来处于最为松散的状态:全球实际平均利率为负数。
- With potential growth downshifting, too, and global monetary policy very easy, underlying inflation pressures should remain elevated, despite the coming decline in headline inflation. 由于潜在增速同样下行逆转,而且全球货币政策非常宽松,虽然未来的核心通胀率将会继续回落,但潜在通胀压力应会继续升高。
- GloBal monetary policies 全球金融政策
- The Recipe of Stigliz can Save the Global Monetary System? 斯蒂格利茨的方案能否拯救全球货币体系?
- global war; global monetary policy; neither national nor continental but planetary; a world crisis; of worldwide significance. 全球战争;全球货币政策;既不是国家的也不是大陆的而是全球的;世界危机;有世界性的重要意义。
- global war; global monetary policy; neither national nor continental but planetary; a world crisis; of worldwide significance 全球战争;全球货币政策;既不是国家的也不是大陆的而是全球的;世界危机;有世界性的重要意义
- Yet monetary policies are still highly expansionary. 但当下的货币政策依然是高度扩张性的。
- Does Global Liquidity Matter for Monetary Policy in the Euro Area? 全球货币流动性是否影响欧元地区货币政策?
- Third, make future normalisation of fiscal and monetary policies credible. 第三,让未来规范化的财政和货币政策可信。
- A stable monetary policy was carried out. 稳健的货币政策被实施。
- In view of the preset global monetary market,we would rather have you effect the payment in US$. 为了加强我们的长期业务关系,我们同意你方远期信用证支付货款,利息根据国际市场当天的汇率确定。
- But a global monetary system that rests on the currency of a single country is problematic, for both issuer and users. 但依赖单一国家货币的全球货币体系是有问题的,对于发行者和使用者而言都是如此。
- Why the Monetary Policy Always Stops at Branches? 央行货币政策缘何受阻基层?
- On Operating the Steady Monetary Policy? 稳健的货币政策是如何操作的?
- The first is of course monetary policy. 首先当然是货币政策。
- Were There Regime Switches in U.S. Monetary Policy? 美国货币政策是否有区制转换?
- In four books written from 1921 to 1934, Soddy carried on a quixotic campaign for a radical restructuring of global monetary relationships. 在其于1921至1934年间所撰写的4本书中,索迪为彻底重塑全球金融关系而进行了一场唐吉坷德式的战斗。
- Power in monetary policy will also shift. 货币政策的决策权力将会转移。