- Gloeophyllum carbonariumn. 炭生褐褶菌
- Lyophyllum carbonarium is one of the most delicious edible mushroom in the northwestward of lunnan province. 摘要炭色离褶伞是溴西北一种珍稀的大型食用菌资源。
- Effect of Brown-rot Fungi, Gloeophyllum trabeum, on Trail-following Responses to Several Insecticides and on Field Efficacy for Dam Termite Control 对几种杀虫剂跟踪反应及对水坝白蚁诱杀效果的影响
- Effect of Brown-rot Fungi, Gloeophyllum trabeum, onTrail-following Responses to Several Insecticides and onField Efficacy for Dam Termite Control 密褐褶孔菌Gloeophyllum trabeum对几种杀虫剂跟踪反应及对水坝白蚁诱杀效果的影响
- L yoph yllum carbonarium 炭色离褶伞
- Gloeophyllum abietinumn. 针叶褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllum saepiariumn. 褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllum sepiarum 篱边粘褶菌
- Gloeophyllum imponensn. 耸毛褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllum juniperinumn. 桧柏褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllum odoratumn. 茴香褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllum striatumn. 薄褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllum subferrugineumn. 亚锈褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllum trabeumn. 密褐褶菌
- Gloeophyllumn. 褐褶菌属