- P: No, I didn't go off into a faint. 是的,我昏过去了。
- fall into a swoon; go off into a faint; fall unconscious 昏倒
- Go off into a faint 晕倒昏迷过去
- When she saw the body of her son,the mother went off into a dead faint. 母亲看到儿子的尸体后,就昏死地过去了。
- When she saw the body of her son, the mother went off into a dead faint. 母亲看到儿子的尸体后,就昏死地过去了。
- JOHN As far as listening is concerned, I find it hard to keep up sometimes in lectures, especially two-hour ones. I sometimes just seem to go off into a dream. 正如所说的听,我发现课堂上很难记住什么,尤其是躺可两个小时。有是像是进入梦里。
- With this parting shot at Lin Pei-shan, Chang Su-su went off into a peal of laughter, then made off with Huei-fang. 张素素忽然对林佩珊放出尖刺来,长笑一声,就和四小姐走了。
- While the West goes about its business, Russia gains nothing by going off into a corner to sulk. 西方依然我行我素,而俄罗斯一无所获,只好缩在旮旯里生气。
- To collapse or fall into or as if into a faint. 倾覆或倒下,状如晕倒。
- He would go off into the mountains for days on end. 他将离开,去那座山里呆上数日。
- The rest of them took swigs of water or went off into a private alcove to attend to personal business, and then composed themselves for sleep. 其余人或是在大口饮水,或是在自己的角落里料理个人事务后,静静睡去。
- Kami went off into a small cul-de-sac so as not to disturb anyone and tried another commo call to Rem and Gnea, without success. 为了不打扰别人休息,卡米走进一个小胡同里面,试着再次呼叫雷和妮雅,结果还是徒劳。
- A humorous suggestion was made that she sing the notes on her face, whereupon she threw up her hands, sank into a chair, and went off into a deep vinous sleep. 有人开玩笑,建议她唱脸上的那些音符,她听了这话把两手向上一甩,倒在一张椅子上,醉醺醺地呼呼大睡起来。
- Hearing the story, the old man went off into loud laughter. 老人听到这个故事后,放声大笑起来。
- Have you ever seen some crazy funs go off in a faint when they saw the pop stars on some concerts present? 你是否看见过某个明星的演唱会现场有人见到歌星之后晕倒过去吗?
- The first teed off into a strong cross wind. 第一名选手迎着强劲的侧风将球发了出去。
- I turned off into a side street. 我拐入一条横街。
- The little girl went off in a faint,but the doctor pulled her round very soon. 小女孩昏倒了,但医生很快使她苏醒过来。
- We turned off into a narrow street. 我们拐入了一条狭小的街道。
- The shower tailed off into a drizzle. 阵雨越来越小,最后变成了毛毛雨。