- Golden Phoenix color TV set 金凤牌彩色电视机
- How can I persuade you to buy a color TV set? 我怎么才能说服您买一架彩色电视机呢?
- For me, the best thing is to get a color TV set. 对我来说最好是买一台彩色电视机。
- Uncle will ran us into town to buy a color TV set. 叔叔将开车送我们进城买彩电。
- The assemble charge for each color TV set is US $60. 每台彩电的组装费是60美元。
- We can assemble the supply parts and components into color tv set. 我们可以把提供的零部件装配成彩色电视机。
- At present,the market for color tv set is still very active. 目前彩电销售市场仍然很活跃。
- We can assemble the supply parts and components into color TV set . 我们可以把提供的零部件装配成彩色电视机。
- The color TV set will be delivered to your house this afternoon. 这台彩电将在下午送到你家。
- My mother spend 2000 yuan in buying the color TV set. 我妈妈花2000元买了一台彩色电视。
- At present, the market for color TV set is still very active. 现在,彩色电视的市场依然很活跃。
- I think it'd be a great idea to buy a new color TV set. 我想,买一台新的彩色电视机倒是个极好的主意。
- We can assemble the provided parts and components into color tv set. 我们可以把零部件装配成彩色电视机。
- Instant color TV sets in Sweden comes as the third. 第三大恶搞新闻是1962年的瑞典“瞬变彩色电视机"。
- I want to see some color TV sets. 我想看看彩电。
- Do you have a color TV set? 你有彩色电视机吗?
- "The lion, the right of gold of golden phoenix"! “左边有对金狮子,右边有对金凤凰”啦!
- How many color TV sets are produced per day in your factory? 他们工厂每天生产多少台彩电?
- Chengdu Golden Phoenix Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd. 成都金凤液氮容器有限公司。
- We have air conditioning,heating,a telephone with international direct dial,a color TV set,etc. 有空调,暖气,有国际直拨电话,一台彩色电视机等。