- Gongnaisi forest farm 巩乃斯林场
- China State Owned Forest Farm Development Corp. 中国国营林场开发总公司。
- Forest Farm near the entrance to the Butterfly Valley, everywhere dancing Nabi. 在林场入口处附近的蝴蝶谷,则处处可见翩翩起舞的彩蝶。
- The Study of Forest Landscape Pattern Based On GIS At The Jingouling Forest Farm. 基于GIS的金沟岭林场森林景观格局研究。
- Ride: Take Puli to Huisun Forest Farm, or to Tsaotun, Nantou Forest Farm of the passenger up, but very few flights. 搭车:搭埔里往惠荪林场,或草屯至林场的南投客运可达,但班次很少。
- Studies on the Characteristic and Management of the Mountain Forest in the Steppe Region of Baiyin'aobao Forest Farm, Inner Mongolia. 内蒙古白音敖包草原区山地森林的特征与经营研究。
- Among them 50 species ocurr in L layer, 45 species in F layer, 25 in H layer. There are abundant and various macrofungi in Huoditang Forest Farm. 按照生态位,发生于枯落物L层的大型真菌有 50种,发生于F层的有 45种,发生于H层的有 25种。
- The diversity of Hemiptera insect community in wormwood clumps in Huoditang Forest Farm Qinling Mountains has been studied. 对秦岭南坡火地塘林区蒿草丛的半翅目昆虫群落的多样性进行了分析。
- The agarics of Huoditang Forest Farm in Qinling Mountains had been investigated since 2000, and 192 species of 55 genera in 17 families were obtained. 摘要对秦岭火地塘伞菌进行了调查,鉴定出192种,隶属于55属、17科。
- The 40,000-ha fast-growing and high-yielding plantation of Guangxi's Gaofeng Forest Farm provides a view of rolling greenness. 广西高峰林场60万亩速生丰产林林场树木郁郁葱葱,连绵不断,好似绿色的海洋。
- Abstract: The middle-long term planning and decision-making for forest ecological system management was studied taking Dongfanghong forest farm Dailing forest bureau for example. 摘 要: 以带岭林业局东方红林场森林为例,进行了中、长期的森林生态系统规划决策的研究。
- Beacon Hill original eco-tourism resort in the hinterland of Beacon Hill Forest Farm, and the 1000 Grand Canyon rafting expedition Suxi River Valley famous. 笔架山原生态旅游风景区位于笔架山林场腹地,以峡谷漂流和千谷溪溯溪探险闻名遐迩。
- I have Hancheng City of Shaanxi Province Mulberry坪镇Ngong Forest Farm mouth of the 1,725 acres of woodland and the right to use all 50 fixtures on the right of disposition. 本人拥有陕西省韩城市桑树坪镇昂口林场1,725亩林地的50使用权及全部地上附着物处置权。
- Tourists friends: Wei Hushan Hengdao peak area in the town of Hailin Wei Hushan (the Shigou) Forest Farm, 68 km from the urban Hailin, the entire process to cement the road. 游客朋友们:威虎山主峰景区位于海林市横道镇威虎山(大石沟)林场,距海林市区68公里,全程为水泥路面。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- The plant community structure and its spatial dynamics in natural Pinus yunnanensis forest region, which belonged to Yipinglang Forest Farm of Lufeng County, Yunnan, were field investigated in April 2005. 摘要于2005年4月采用中点四分法对云南省禄丰县一平浪林场云南松天然林区植物群落结构及空间动态进行了实地调查研究。
- "August 1 resort" is located in the bimodal Forest Farm Dabei bifurcation. Built in 1960, its original location in Heilongjiang Shengti Wei is the establishment of the skating rink. "八一雪场"原座落在双峰林场大北岔。建于1960年,其原址是黑龙江省体委建立的滑冰场。
- Dendroctonus valens, a new record species firstly found in Yangling forest farm of Yangcheng,Shanxi province in July 1998,damages and even causes death of Chinese pine and Armand pine. 红脂大小蠹 (Dendroctonusvalens) 1998年 7月在山西省阳城县阳陵林场首次发现 ,为害并可致死健康油松、华山松 ,是国内新纪录种。
- He subdivided the farm into building lots. 他把农地再分为若干块的建筑用地。
- Pinus taiwanensis infected by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in natural state was firstly found near the altitude of 700 meters in Dalongshan forest farm of Anqing city in 2004,which resulted in the death or wilt of P.taiwanensis. 2004年,国内首次在安庆市大龙山林场海拔近700 m的高山地区发现了松材线虫(Bursaphelenchusxylophilus(Ste iner &Buhrer)N ickle)自然侵染黄山松(P inus ta iwanensisHayata),且造成一定危害的现象。