- Good writing tradition 美文传统
- Clear expression is the hallmark of good writing. 表达清楚是佳作的特色。
- The Recording Angel responsible for the world of letters still doubtless raises an eyebrow at the curious company some good writing keeps. 负责记录文学界事务的天使对于那些与某些好作品相伴而生的稀奇古怪难以理解的东西仍无疑感到惊奇。
- Good writing and speaking of English is required. 较好的英语说写能力。
- Spoken fluent english and good writing skill. 流利的英语表达能力和良好的书写能力。
- Good writing and oral English skill. 具备良好的英语口语和书写技能。
- Good picture good writing, fearfulness! 好画好字,厉害呀!!
- A journalistic approach to good writing: the craft of clarity II. 最佳写作要领2。
- But he still has very good writing and nuanced insight. 而且他还有极其优秀的文笔,和细致入微的洞察力。
- For a long time we had a drought of good writings. 在一段时期内我们缺乏好作品。
- What's more, she deconstructs the writing tradition of male center, reflecting her ideal of demolishing the dominant culture of "phallus". 更在自己创造的文本中,有意识地解构了以男性为中心的书写传统,显现出力图颠覆“菲勒斯”中心文化的理想光辉。
- Good written English and oral English. 良好的英语写作和口语表达能力。
- Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat. 正因如此,今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突。而这本身就能就好作品。因为这是唯一值得写、值得呕心沥血地去写的题材。
- Can read, write traditional chinese. Familiar with IT terminology. 能够流利读写中文。熟悉IT术语。
- Good writing is lost on him. He's just not interested in literature. 他不会欣赏好文章,他对文学根本就不感兴趣。
- Anything, from a merry laugh to an angry curse, can make good writing. 嬉笑怒骂,皆成文章。
- Good writing abilibty. and ever have published assays with pen name "Icesnow". 良好的写作能力。一直笔耕未辍,曾以笔名‘冰雪’发表过几篇散文。
- Hinduism and Buddhism had an immense impact on the civilizations of Southeast Asia and contributed greatly to the development of a written tradition in that area. 印度教和佛教对东南亚文明有极广大的影响,对该地区书写的发展有着极大的贡献。
- Good written and oral communication, clear documentation. 良好的书面及口头沟通技巧。
- Good written and verbal communication skills are essential. 非常好的书面和口头的沟通能力。