- Participation in bilateral and multi-lateral government to government projects. 参加双边和多边的政府间项目。
- They demand the right to govern themselves. 他们要求自治权。
- A subsidy from a government to an industry. 补助费政府给予工矿企业的补助
- Measures to further enhance the public's access to information were announced in 1994. An administrative code of practice on access to government information,committing the government to even greater transparency in its work,was implemented in 1995. 一九九四年,当局公布了有关进一步向市民公开资料的措施,并于一九九五年实施公开政府资料行政守则,目的在于增加政府工作的透明度。
- Money give by central government to local government to help pay for a project. 中央政府为帮助项目所需资金给地方政府的钱。
- Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa. 英国授权代管德国在东非的前殖民地。
- People seek the help of business groups, charity organizations, and service clubs to urge others to support some cause. People turn to government to force others to support their cause. 人们到商业集团、慈善组织,以及服务性社团那里寻求帮助,其目的是为了促使别人支持某种事业。但把目光转向政府的人们则是为了迫使其它人支持他们的事业。
- The government to government relationship encompasses high level dialogue and growing collaboration on a wide range of issues, including trade and investment, the environment, health, culture, and multilateral cooperation. 政府与政府之间的关系包含就各类广泛问题进行高层对话和日益增强的合作,其中包括贸易和投资、环境、卫生、文化和多边合作等领域。
- Measures to further enhance the public's access to information were announced in 1994. An administrative code of practice on access to government information, committing the government to even greater transparency in its work, was implemented in 1995. 一九九四年,当局公布了有关进一步向市民公开资料的措施,并于一九九五年实施公开政府资料行政守则,目的在于增加政府工作的透明度。
- All this wake the local government to the need for safety precaution. 所有这些使当地政府认识到必须采取安全预防措施。
- MP for Palapye Moiseraele Goya appealed to government to avail information to MPs in future.He called for a bigger car park at the airport where people can leave their vehicles when travelling abroad. 来自帕拉业的议员古雅请求政府在将来能将相关信息透露给议员,他还要求政府在机场建一个更大的停车场,来方便出国人员停车。
- In a similar way, students in France used the French Minitel system to organize a successful fight against plans by the French government to restrict admission to government subsidized universities. 法国学生以同样的方式利用法国公共信息网终端系统成功地组织了反对法国政府限制申请政府资助大学的计划。
- They petitioned the government to reduce taxes. 他们向政府要求减税。
- The lawyer was privy to government secrets. 律师对政府秘密私下知情。
- Was privy to government secrets. 对政府秘密私下知情
- It's time for the city government to clean house. 市政府应肃清贪污已刻不容缓。
- The crash of fish populations is a spur to governments to rein in fisheries and seek out international agreements on deep sea marine reserves, Ms Devine said. 迪凡指出,鱼类数量的锐减促使政府在渔捞勒马并找出国际对深海鱼业保存的国际协定。
- To govern inefficiently or badly. 管理国家不当低效率地或拙劣地统治
- They petitioned the government to abolish hanging. 他们向政府请愿,要求废除绞刑。
- The group tried to force the government to act. 这个团体向政府施加压力迫使其采取行动。