- Grain yield per unit land 粮食单产
- Increasing Tendency and Stability of Grain Yield per Unit Area of Counties in Huang-huai-hai-Plain 黄淮海平原县域粮食单产的增长趋势及其稳定性比较
- grain yield per unit 粮食单产
- grain yield per unit area 粮食单产
- Increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land has potential. 提高现有耕地单位面积产量有潜力。
- There is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land. 提高现有耕地单位面积产量有潜力。
- Ways of Improving Crop Yield Per Unit Area and the Countermeasures. 提高作物单产的途径与对策。
- The source and stable library significantly expanded in RBP wheat due to the increased grain weight, grain number per unit area and then the increased grain yield. 垄作种植方式与传统平作比较,能够扩“源”稳“库”,通过增加千粒重和穗粒数而显著的提高产量。
- In 1952 the average grain yield per mu (one ha equals 15 mu) was 80 kg and there were only 125 kg of grain per person. 1952年,西藏每亩(15亩合1公顷)粮食产量平均只有80公斤,人均占有粮食仅125公斤。
- In 1949 when the People's Republic of China was founded,the national grain yield per hectare was only 1,035 kg,and the per capita share of grain was only 210 kg a year. 1949年新中国成立时,全国每公顷粮食产量只有1035公斤,人均粮食占有量仅为210公斤。
- In 1949 when the People's Republic of China was founded, the national grain yield per hectare was only 1,035 kg, and the per capita share of grain was only 210 kg a year. 1949年新中国成立时,全国每公顷粮食产量只有1035公斤,人均粮食占有量仅为210公斤。
- The average heterosis of the grain yield per plant is 75.79%, 57.67% and 12.55% in the hybrids of the common wheat with spelt wheat, club wheat and itself respectively. 普通小麦与斯卑尔脱小麦的种间杂种每株产量的平均杂种优势为75.;79%25;普通小麦与密穗小麦的种间杂种每株产量的平均杂种优势为57
- The ASI,time to silk,ear height,leaf numbers,grain yield per ear could be used as the good evaluation traits for identifying the sensitivity to photoperiod. 不同性状对光周期反应的敏感程度不同,ASI、吐丝期、穗位高、叶片数、穗粒重可作为鉴定光周期敏感性的较好指标.
- The correlations between mean daily temperature in the period of ratooning seedling and heading or florescence,and grain yield per ha were also significantly positive. 再生稻长苗期和抽穗开花期的日均温与再生稻单产亦呈显著正相关。
- Of the addition that covers an area and domain extend, the synchronism that assures crop yield per unit and benefit further rises. 覆盖面积的增加和领域的拓展,进一步保证作物单位面积产量和效益的同步提高。
- improve grain yield of per unit area 单产提高
- Based on experts'assessment, the main constraints for the realization of corn yield potential and suggestions on increasing corn yield per unit are put forward. 提出了玉米产量潜力实现的限制因素及挖掘潜力的对策。
- Breed new varieties of tetraploid pentaphyllum, an increase of yield per unit area Pentaphyllum and active ingredient content, to fill the gaps in international and domestic. 培育出的四倍体绞股蓝新品种,增加了绞股蓝单位面积产量和有效成分的含量,填补了国际国内空白。
- The main problem that exists at present is breed structure dimensions of industry of low, treatment uses unreasonable, yield per unit smally, integratedly ability is poor. 目前存在的主要问题是品种结构不合理、单位面积产量低、加工业规模小、综合利用能力差。