- Graphic Systems Division 图形系统处
- Shanghai Goss Graphic Systems Co., Ltd. 上海高斯印刷设备有限公司。
- A 3D Interactive Graphic System on Machine Parts CAD. 机械零件CAD的三维交互绘图系统
- The Systems Division looks after the implementation and policy co-ordination of the textiles export control system and origin certification. 制度部负责实施纺织品出口管制制度并协调有关政策,以及处理产地来源签证等事宜。
- Sanmina-SCI Enclosure Systems division has 22 modern manufacturing sites, located in 10 countries. SCI通讯设备系统在全球有22家工厂,分布于10个国家。
- User's Manual FASTCAM Super 10K Series. MOTION ANALYSIS SYSTEMS DIVISION PHOTRON LTD. 孙西钊等.;体内碎石器的发展历史与研制动态
- But in 1957, the concept was taken up by engineers at the Sylvania Electronic Systems Division, in Buffalo, New York. 但在1957年,这项发明的构思却被纽约布法罗市的西尔韦尼亚电子系统部门的工程师们所接受。
- Shahram Hejazi, president of Carestream Health molecular imaging systems division. 这种方法不但可在柯达专门配备的仪器上使用,也适合于其他商业成像仪器。
- Company Introduction: MBO Binder Graphic System (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was established in February 2006 in Beijing.It is a wholly Germany-funded enterprise by MBO Binder GmbH &Co.KG. 公司简介:MBO印刷设备系统(北京)有限公司是德国MBO集团在华的全资子公司,于2006年2月在中国北京正式注册成立。
- SVG is a standard text-based graph description language.It is a key issue for the standardization of the dispatching automation system to implement SVG-based graphic system. 摘要可伸缩矢量图(SVG)是一种基于文本的标准图形描述语言,研究和建立一套基于SVG的图形系统是调度自动化系统图形信息共享和标准化的关键课题之一。
- FMG's Colour Systems division has begun rolling VIP 4 out to its customers already, beginning with a section of Bauer's Peterborough-based magazines. fmg的颜色系统部已开始滚动的VIP 4向它的客户已经开始的一段宝华的彼得伯勒为基础的杂志。
- National Agricultural Library, 2002. AGRICOLA. National Agricultural Library, U. S. Department of Agriculture,Information Systems Division, Behsville, MD, USA. [骆有庆;黄少鸣;2000.;光肩星天牛和黄斑星天牛混合种群的系统聚类分析
- As President of Cognex Corporation, Mr.Willett will oversee both the Modular Vision Systems Division (MVSD) and the Surface Inspection Systems Division (SISD). 作为康耐视公司总裁,威利特先生将监督模块化视觉系统部门(MVSD)和表面检验系统部门(SISD)的经营。
- The algorithm has been implemented on the UV68 microcomputer graphic system and Apollo DN3000 CAD workstation. Its complexity is proportional to with the number of edges of object. 本算法已在IJV68微机图形系统 和 Apollo DN3000 CAD工作站上实现,其算法复杂性正比于形体的边数。
- Baker W R, Clem R W. Terrain Contour Matching(TERCOM) Primer[R]. ASD-TR-77-61, Aeronutical System Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, OhioAug.1977(AD-B02132B). 刘准.;巡航导弹制导系统中的对准与信息融合技术研究[D]
- A graphic system computer program ERA has been developed on FACOM-M380 to estimate the earthquake risk at any place in China based on the simple Poisson model and Chinese historical earthquake data. 本文介绍在日本东京大学生产技术研究所FACOM-M380计算机上建立的地震危险性分析图形系统ERA。
- As the systematization of corporate image, VI is the external form and perception experience, as well as the graphic system that associates with logos and other elements used on various media. 这些具有强烈冲击力的视觉符号,经过系统化的规划设计,将企业的形象概念转化为具体可见的识别元素,形成整体的信息传达系统,激发广大受众的定向联想,突显出独特的企业形象。
- It also introduces the CGI &CGM, two standards which serve the graphics system. 同时还介绍了为图形系统服务的CGI和 CGM两项标准。
- Chassis Systems Division: Pioneer for active driving safety system. Our innovations include ABS, TCS, and ESP systems that provide significant safety improvements and ensure vehicle stability in critical situations. 底盘系统事业部:主动行车安全系统的先锋。我们的创新技术包括ABS,TCS和ESP。这些系统能在危急时刻极大地提高行车的安全性和稳定性。
- Located in Charlotte, NC and Salt Lake City, UT; the AGV Systems Division will continue to provide the latest technology and extensive service with maximum experience and minimum risk. AGV系统分部位于北卡罗来纳州的夏洛特市及犹他州的盐湖城,将继续凭借丰富的经验及最小化风险,为客户提供最先进的技术、最广泛的服务。