- An iron proscenium of number frames the tragedy. 数字这座钢铁舞台注定了这出悲剧。
- Grash of number 格拉晓夫数
- Don't always think of number one. 别老是考虑个人的得失。
- We have been on water excursions out of number. 我们进行过无数次的水上旅游。
- They won the argument by sheer weight of numbers. 他们纯靠人多势众在争论中获胜。
- As a percentage of number of IT posts by job title. ?赘弥俺谱恃犊萍贾拔坏陌俜致省
- A large of number of his men perished from hunger and thirst . 他的很多士兵死于饥渴。
- A large of number of his men perished from hunger and thirst. 他的很多士兵死于饥渴。
- The Indians cut notches on a stick to keep count of numbers. 印第安人在棒上刻V形凹痕用来计数。
- Take care of number one means to put your own interests first. 照顾自己意味着把你自已的利益放在首位。
- The smallest number in a finite set of numbers. 极小值在一组确定的数中的最小的数
- The minimum range of number when extending prime-sieve. 扩充质数筛而找质数时步进的最小间距.
- The multiplication of numbers have make our club building too small. 会员的增加使得我们的俱乐部拥挤不堪。
- The computer blts in a series of numbers. 计算机输出一系列数字。[参较 bitblt]
- Each bit of numbers A and B is followed by a space. 数A、B的每一位后都有一个空位。
- A name of the upper boundary of the set of numbers. 一种数字集合的上界的名字。
- Can you name different kinds of numbers you know? 你能说出你所知道的数字的名称?
- Sum, for summing a column of numbers. 合计(用来对一列数字求和)。
- The multiplication of numbers has made our club building too small. 会员的增加使得我们的俱乐部拥挤不堪。
- Each pair represents a range of numbers. 每一对都表示一个数字区域。