- Great Movie - Hotel Rwanda 卢旺达饭店
- According to Mick, it's a great movie. 据米克说,这是一部了不起的电影。
- TFK is a great movie!You play a cool baddie! 而且....我一直觉得演得好反派的才是大明星诶....太型啦!!!
- A great movie should stand the test of time. 一部伟大的电影应该经受住时间的考验。
- Many of the great movie stars of today were originally discovered by talent scouts. 今日的许多电影明星最初都是由人才发掘者发现的。
- I haven't seen it myself, but it's supposed to be a great movie. 这部电影我没看过,不过人们普遍认为很不错。
- That was a great movie and Tom Cruise was wonderful in it. 那部电影太棒了,汤姆。克鲁斯在里面演得好极了。
- It would be stretching a point to say this is a great movie. 可以牵强附会地说这是一部伟大的电影。
- She is a great movie fan. 她是一个影迷。
- I still have a deep rememberance of another great movie Bridge to Terabithia! 这两天实在是麻烦事太多了,几乎都和你失去了联系。
- He's made some great movies over the years. 这些年来,他已经拍摄了多部精彩的影片。
- Roger Ebert's take on the old great movies. 请问大家知道哪些比较冷门却很值得一看的电影?
- The people in this small town are keen to the appearance of the great movie actors. 这个小镇的人们正热切的盼望着那位伟大的电影演员的出现。
- Overall TMNT is a great movie that will please fans of the original series and comics as well as newcomers. 因为他们感觉到情绪无法把握,而这些是自己可以踏踏实实做到的,将来一定有帮助。这是他们所追求的完美主义目标。
- Sarah: That was a great movie Richard. Thanks for inviting me over to veg and watch it with you. 莎拉:理查德,这真是一部好电影。谢谢你请我过来放松并和你一起看这部电影。
- The best thing about a great movie is that when you go to the theatre it's packed and alive. 一部伟大影片的最大奖赏是当你步入剧院时,影迷爆满,气氛活跃。
- Mark Twain, one of our most famous writers, and Charlie Chaplin, the great movie comedian, dropped out of school before 8th grade. 最着名的作家之一马克土温以及伟大的喜剧演员查理卓别林都在8年级之前就退了学。
- Mark Twain, one of our most famous writers, and Charlie Chaplin, the great movie comedian, dropped out of school before 8th grade. 最著名的作家之一马克土温以及伟大的喜剧演员查理卓别林都在8年级之前就退了学。
- Arranged by Robert Lowden.About Superman - When great movie music is the topic, one name comes to the minds of most of us: John Williams. 年 香港音乐事务处 香港青年管乐节 香港伊利沙伯体育 香港路德会青年管乐团 指挥:庄百富 Superman By John Williams.
- He also established the benchmark for the way videos would be made, with stunning cinematography, precision choreography that recalled great movie musicals. 他还成了视频拍摄方式的参考标准,绝妙的摄影、紧凑的编舞,让人们回想起伟大的电影音乐剧。