- The Cause of Great Upsurge in Aesthetics in the 1980s in China 兰
- Great upsurge in aesthetics 美学热
- During the emperor Han Wudi period,the great upsurge in seeking the immortal rose to the never-heard-before level. 武帝时期求仙热潮达到前所未有的高度,养生却鲜有史料提及;
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- A rethinking on the great upsurge in outbound travel 出境旅游热的冷思考
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
- Observation and Study of a Great Upsurge in Intermittent Investment in Modern Times of China 中国近代间歇性投资热潮考察
- See "Prefaces to Socialist Upsurge in China's Countryside" below. 参看本卷《(中国农村的社会主义高潮)的序言》。
- A Great Upsurge in Seeking Official Position in the Early Days of the Republic of China and the Progressive Public Opinion's Criticizing to the Bureaucratic Departmentalism 民初的求官热与社会进步舆论对官本位观念的批判
- The Forth part elaborates mainly" empathy" in aesthetics thought. 第四部分主要阐述《林泉高致》中有关“移情”的美学思想。
- We are seeing a great upsurge of religion in the great cities of the U.S. 目前在美国的一些大城市里,我们可以看到一种宗教的高涨。
- upsurge in aesthetics 美学热
- a great upsurge in production 生产热潮
- The 1980s witnessed a great upsurge of the reform, openingup and modernization drive in Tibet, as in the other parts of China. 二十世纪八十年代,西藏和全国一样掀起改革开放和现代化建设热潮。
- Abstract: To build the interdisciplinary science center or institute focussed on biology frontiers is a great upsurge around the world these two years. 摘 要: 近二年国际上正掀起建立以生物科学为中心的交叉学科研究中心或研究所等实体的热潮。
- This marked a new upsurge in the struggle of the people in the area. 这标志了这个地区人民斗争的新高潮。
- Sometimes we admit that our strong rejection of certain meats is not founded in physiology but in aesthetics. 有时我们承认之所以拒食某些肉类并非基于生理学而是美学原因。
- Shed tears of be, upsurge in the heart of, not only is only touched. 流泪的当口,心中涌起的,不仅仅是感动。
- This year's upsurge in rice production is due to the new method of cultivation. 这一年稻米产量的上升是由于新栽培方法。
- What accounts for this upsurge in unionization among clerical workers? 究竟是什么导致了文职工作者的工会化呢?