- He was actuated solely by greed. 他完全是受了贪欲的驱使。
- His greed looked through his eyes. 从他的眼中透出一种贪婪。
- The crime rooted in his greed for money. 这一犯罪行为起因于他对金钱的贪得无厌。
- Greed is the parent of many evils. 贪婪是万恶之根源。
- Greed had debased his character. 贪婪降低了他的品格。
- A mister is characterized by greed. 守财奴的特点是贪婪。
- His greed for money was his ruin. 他对金钱的贪得无厌是他毁灭的原因。
- The same principle may make for smoother writing. 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- Nothing could sate the careerist's greed for power. 什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。
- It's the tempter of greed that led him into crime. 正是贪婪这种诱惑使他步入罪恶。
- The unbelief of God is our principle. 不信仰上帝是我们的原则。
- He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生。
- Your behavior does not accord with your principle. 你的行为与你的原则不符。
- It will be against my principle to lie to you. 对你说假话是违背我的行为准则的。
- He acted from expediency, not from principle. 他为求达到目的,丧失了原则。
- I refuse to go there, on principle. 我原则上拒绝到那儿去。
- The same principle may make for smooth writing. 同样的原则可能有助于流畅的文体。
- We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们坚持种族平等的原则。
- The two machines work on the same principle. 这两部机器的工作原理是一样的。