- Grewia concolorn. 同色扁担杆
- Grewia biloba G.Don var.parviflora Hand.-Mazz. 扁担木
- Studies on the Tissue Culture of Abies concolor. 科罗拉多冷杉组织培养技术研究。
- Lilium concolor var. buschianum Baker. 有斑百合
- Grewia biloba G.Don var.parviflora (Bunge)Hand.-Mazz. 扁担木
- Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in 8 populations of Abies Concolor. 8个科罗拉多冷杉种群的遗传多样性评价。
- Study on the Karyotypes in Populations of Lilium concolor Salisb. 渥丹百合不同居群核型研究。
- Objective To screen the antibacterial constituents from Grewia biloba. 目的:寻找药用植物扁担杆的抗菌活性成分。
- Is there competition between sympatric jaguar Panthera onca and puma Puma concolor ? 同域栖息的美洲虎和美洲狮存在竞争吗?
- Entelia;Grewia;Sparmannia. 扁担杆属。
- Lilium concolor Salisb. 山丹
- L. concolor Salisb. 渥丹百合
- The jaguar Panthera onca and puma Puma concolor are large felids that coexist throughout Central and most of South America. Studies have tested theories of coexistence of sympatric jaguar and puma. 美洲虎( Panthera onca)和美洲狮( Puma concolor)是中美洲和南美洲大部区域共存的大型猫科动物,其共存理论得到研究验证。
- bilobed grewia root stem and leaf 娃娃拳
- Grewia biloba G. Don var. parvi flora 孩儿拳头
- Grewia latiglandulosa Z. Y. Huang et S.Y. Liu 阔腺扁担杆
- Puma concolor costaricensis [Costa Rican puma] 美洲狮哥斯达黎加亚种
- Puma concolor coryi [Florida puma] 美洲狮佛罗里达亚种
- Puma concolor couguar [eastern puma] 美洲狮东部亚种
- Black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor) 黑长臂猿