- Grosbeak Seedeatern. 蜡嘴丝雀
- North American grosbeak (Hesperiphona vespertina) that is brown, yellow, black, and white. 学名为Hesperiphona vespertina。北美洲的一种大嘴雀(grosbeak)。
- yellow-billed grosbeak (Eophona migratoria) 黑尾蜡嘴雀
- large grosbeak of coniferous forests of Old and New Worlds 松林中的大型锡嘴雀
- large grosbeak of coniferous forests of Old and New Worlds. 松林中的大型锡嘴雀。
- seedeatern. [鸟]食籽雀
- Caqueta Seedeatern. 卡克食籽雀
- Tumaco Seedeatern. 图马科食籽雀
- Chestnut Seedeatern. 栗色食籽雀
- "Any of several hundred species of small, conical-Billed, seed-eating songbirds (in several families), including the Bunting, canary, cardinal, chaffinch, crossbill, Darwin's (Galapagos) finch, goldfinch, grass finch, grosbeak, sparrow, and weaver. " 分属几个科的数百种喙圆锥形、以种子为食的小型鸣禽的统称。包括了︰加那利雀、主教雀、苍头燕雀、交嘴雀、加拉帕戈斯地雀、金翅、草雀、大嘴雀、雀和织布鸟。
- Rufous-rumped Seedeatern. 棕腰食籽雀
- Marsh Seedeatern. 沼泽食籽雀
- Slate-colored Grosbeakn. 灰蓝锡嘴雀
- Spotted-wing Grosbeakn. 斑翅拟蜡嘴雀
- White-winged Seedeatern. 白翅丝雀
- Lined Seedeatern. 白颊食籽雀
- Spot-winged Grosbeakn. 黑腰拟蜡嘴雀
- Indigo Grosbeakn. 靛蓝大彩鹀
- Lesson's Seedeatern. 莱氏食籽雀
- Dubois's Seedeatern. 道氏食籽雀