- To help Christians grow to maturity as Ephesians 4:13 teaches. 帮助基督徒成长以至成熟,正如以弗所书4:13所教导的。
- Whatever seeds each man cultivates will grow to maturity and bear in him their own fruit. 不论每个人类种下了什麽样的种子,都将会渐渐成熟并开花结果成他们自己的果实。
- Earp-Thomas also discovered that if plants are starved for a particular nutrient they will still grow to maturity by substituting other elements. 厄普-托马斯还发现如果植物极其需要特定的养分,它们仍然会用其他的元素代替来生长成熟。
- Smaller, or first and second year tubers, can do better if only one stem is left to grow to maturity as more than one can result in weak stems and smaller flowers. 小球,或是一年和二年生的球根,只留一个茎干会比较好,留多个反而茎弱和花小。
- My plan has gradually come to maturity. 我的计划逐渐成熟。
- And yet there is not in France, with its rich variety of soil and climate, a blade, a leaf, a root, a sprig, a peppercorn, which will grow to maturity under conditions more certain than those that have produced this horror. 然而在法兰西,尽管有各种各样的土壤和气候,却没有一棵草、一片叶、一道根、一条枝、一点微不足道的东西的生长成熟条件能比产生了这个怪物的条件更为一成不变的了。
- A number of entirely new experimental and observational methods have grown to maturity. 许多崭新的实验和观察方法已趋成熟。
- In time you'll grow to like him. 到时候你会喜欢他的。
- She has a hot temper, but you will soon grow to like her. 她脾气躁,但不久你就会喜欢她了。
- Plant a seed together and nurture it to maturity. 共同孕育一个生命,养育直至成熟。
- The wine is left to mature in oak barrels. 葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿。
- The tree grew to a height of 20 feet. 那树长到二十英尺高。
- The blue whale grows to over 30 meters long. 蓝鲸可以长到三十多米长。
- Mary's growing to be more and more like her mother. 玛丽越长越像她的母亲了。
- She's growing to like him better. 她渐渐地更喜欢他了。
- Months passed and the children grew to like their teacher. 几个月过去了,孩子们变得喜欢他们的老师了。
- The durian tree can grow to be very tall. 榴莲树可以长到非常高。
- He watched his daughters grow to womanhood. 他看着自己的女儿们都长大成人了。
- I'm sure you'll grow to like her in time. 我肯定你慢慢就会喜欢她了。
- The electric are may grow to an inch in length. 电弧长度可以增长到一英寸。