- Growth Spurting Adolescence 青春发育期
- Growth Standard of the Growth Spurting Adolescent of Different Developing Types 青春发育突增期不同发育类型学生生长发育标准的制定
- Morphic Features of the Growth Spurting Adolescent of Different Developing Types 青春发育突增期高峰年龄不同发育学生形态特征
- Influence Factors on Physical Fitness of Growth Spurting Adolescent of Different Developing Types 影响青春发育突增期高峰年龄不同发育类型学生体质的因素
- Building Health Promotion Model for the Growth Spurting Adolescent of Different Developing Types 青春发育突增期不同发育类型学生健康促进模式的构建
- Implementation Program of Health Promotion Model for the Growth Spurting Adolescent of Different Growth Types 青春发育突增期不同发育类型学生健康促进模式的实施方案
- The next year, however, after a large growth spurt, he made the team. 不过,到了第二年时,在身高急剧增长后,他进了校队,
- Like much of the West, its first growth spurt followed the Civil War. 一如西部大部分地区,中产入侵第一次大爆发始于内战之后。
- Sheila's face is beginning to flesh out now that she's passed through the growth spurt of puberty. 希拉已过了生长发育期,她的脸正在开始丰满。
- Babies get very hungry during growth spurts. 婴儿在猛长期间会很饿。
- The quadriceps femoris T of the high intensity group increase in the growth spurt period. 高负荷运动组股四头肌组织睾酮水平在生长突增期升高。
- The urge to get a grip on the nascent market comes as LNG is going through a major growth spurt. 面对LNG市场的快速发展,天然气输出国论坛迫切感到了加大市场影响力的必要。
- Some nursing moms feel more hungry or thirsty when baby is going through a growth spurt. 有些母乳妈妈在宝宝的快速成长期间,会感觉到更加容易饿或者渴。
- Originally a shepherd, Bao claims that he stood at a normal height until the age of 16, when he experienced an extraordinary growth spurt. 最初是一个牧羊人,鲍声称,他站在正常高度,直到16岁,当他经历了非凡的增长高潮。
- He says it is important that this summit occurred in a relatively young democracy - part of a post Cold War growth spurt in EU membership. 他表示,这次会议在比较年轻的民主制国家举行是非常重要的。这些国家是欧盟成员国在冷战后增加的一部分。
- The child's mother, Milena Orosco de Agudelo, said her son's unusual growth spurt began when he was just two months old. 这个婴儿的母亲米勒娜?奥罗可?奥古德洛说,她儿子两个月大时体重便开始飙升。
- On the other hand, Bynum, whose first three seasons were one long growth spurt, copped his first attitude when he was benched last spring. 另一方面,三个赛季以来,拜纳姆有很大进步,在去年春天被放到板凳了,他第一次对外表示了不满。
- The increase clocked in at the high end of economists' expectations of between 8% and 10% and represented the largest growth spurt in 12 years. 此前经济学家们预计PPI涨幅为8%25-10%25,而实际增幅达到预测值的上限,也是12年来最大涨幅。
- During a growth spurt, breastfed babies nurse more often than usual (sometimes as often as every hour) and often act fussier than usual. 当宝宝经历快速成长期时,会比平时更加频繁地要求吃奶(甚至频繁到1个小时吃一次),同时也表现的更加容易哭闹。
- Brazil's previous growth spurt was derailed by debt and high oil prices, a debacle that obliged its then military government to give way to civilian rule. 上一次巴西经济的快速发展,被贷款和高石油价格所钳制.;后来是托了军统政府移权于民主政府的福,问题才得以解决。