- Guang Fu Army of Korea 韩国光复军
- An army of ants swarmed over the sand-hill. 一大群蚂蚁在沙丘上爬动。
- He joined the army of his own accord. 他自愿参军。
- Field an army of campaign workers. 发动了一大群助选员
- The local population is kept under by a brutal army of mercenaries. 当地居民备受野蛮雇佣军的欺压。
- Last time they were two to one in favor of Korea. 上次比分是二比一,韩国赢了。
- The Spirit of Korea isin the Air. 韩国的精神在空中。
- You can know place names and locations of korea. 可以知道地名和韩国的区域位置。
- It's Democratic People's Republic of Korea. 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国。
- Su Dongpo wrote a poem: "If chewing Perlman, in the Crisp and yee," Qing Yang Guang Fu wrote: "Filled Peach loaded eat moon cakes, ice cream sugar cream sweet hell. 苏东坡有诗写道:“小饼如嚼 月,中 有酥和饴”,清朝杨光辅写道:“月饼饱 装桃肉馅,雪糕甜砌蔗糖霜”。
- Japans lies to the east of Korea. 日本在朝鲜之东。
- There is an army of rats infesting this house. 有一大群老鼠在这幢房子出没。
- Sejong will be the capital of Korea in the future. 世宗是韩国未来的首都。
- He was a standing officer for Ombudsman of Korea. 他还是韩国的行政监察官。
- He served as military adviser to the army of Qin. 他担任秦国的军师。
- Brand of Korea,will not list out which brand. 代表是韩国牌子;本人将不说明是那个牌.
- In 1958, the army of Iraq overthrew the monarchy. 1958年,伊拉克的军队推翻了君主制。
- A native or inhabitant of Korea. 朝鲜人朝鲜本地人或居民
- At the concert, there was an army of bodyguards. 音乐会上有大批的保安。
- There they forme an army of about two thousand men. 他们在那里组建了一支两千人的军队。