- In 2002, SDX became a member of China Publishing Group. 2002年,三联书店加入中国出版集团。
- Shipley &Julie G.McAfee.Published by singular Publishing Group. 参阅 “Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology” by Kenneth G.
- Last year, IDG signed letters of intent with China Publishing Group and CCTV. IDG去年5月和中国出版集团以及cctv签署了合作意向书,
- Eliezer Geisler. The Metrics of Science and Technology[M]. Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. 2000. 中国科学院综合计划局.;中国科学院统计年鉴(1994-2003)
- Asia Inflight Ltd, a publishing company based in HK, is a subsidiary of leading European publishing group Ringier AG. 亚洲飞航杂志有限公司是瑞士荣格集团在香港的分公司。
- T.K.Fagan& P.S.Wise(1994,1999),School Psychology: Past, Present, and Future. Longman Publishing Group. 学校心理学及其在心理健康教育中的地位(介绍学校心理学的四种典型的研究内容);
- Yunnan publishing group to set up the past four years, the main indicators for continued growth. 云南出版集团公司成立四年多来,主要经济指标实现了持续较快增长。
- Dan Vardie, senior editor at Romania's Automedia publishing group, says his countrymen may be price-sensitive, but are also brand-conscious. 因此,哈弗甚至可能对收入远远超过270欧元平均月薪的罗马尼亚人也具有吸引力。
- Wiley is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of the prestigious Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) from the Nature Publishing Group. 生命科学百科全书(ELS)涵盖了生命科学研究领域的全方位的内容,有超过3500篇精心挑选和同行评审的文章,9000个图表。
- Stewart, T. (1997/1999). Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. 宋伟航(译)。智慧资本:资讯时代的企业利基。台北:智库出版。
- By contrast, another large multinational publishing group Elsevier, in the low-key but has made tremendous commercial success. 相比之下,另一家跨国大出版集团爱思唯尔,在低调中却取得了巨大的商业成功。
- Sun Shoushan listened the introductions of achievement by Gong Shuguang the board chairman of Hunan Publishing Group Investment Co. 孙寿山(右一)在湖南出版投资控股集团董事长龚曙光(左一)陪同下到红网进行考察调研。
- McCluskey, W.L.(1991),"Features of Property Taxation"in McCluskey W.L.(ed),Comparative Property Tax System,Avebury Academic Publishing Group. 麦锡尔.;经济合作与发展组织成员国的税收政策--选择与冲突[M]
- The Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group said on Monday that it was planning a first print run of five million copies, a number that dwarfs most other books. 克诺夫道布尔迪出版集团周一透露第一版印刷量将达到五百万册,比大多数新书的首印量都多得多。
- MOOK Publishing, a subsidiary of Cite Publishing Group, delicates the production of the most welcomed travel guidebooks in global Chinese speaking world. 墨刻出版致力以华人旅游制作旅游出版品,引领整个华文旅游出版的新潮流。
- BMJ Publishing Group is the innovative commercial division of the British Medical Association (BMA) and is one of the world leaders in medical publishing. 英国医学杂志出版集团附属于英国医学协会,是世界上较大一个医学出版集团。
- The move is being seen as a sign that China's biggest publishing group has been earmarked for a commercial makeover, which could involve overseas acquisitions. 此举被视为中国最大出版集团已计划向商业转型的信号,其中可能涉及海外收购。
- By 2010, China Publishing Group, Shanghai century publishing group, Anhui Xinhua publishing group, centaline publishing, which the mass media will be publishing unit of sale? 2010年,中国出版集团、上海世纪出版集团、安徽新华出版集团、中原出版传媒等,哪些出版单位将会顺利上市?
- The plan envisages the formation of six or seven large publishing groups through mergers and acquisitions and public listings. 该方案的设想是,通过并购和公开上市,成立6至7家大型出版传媒企业。
- Shanghai Book Company, a subsidiary corporation funded by Shanghai Century Publishing Group and a showpiece of the Group directly facing readers, devotes itself to book retailing and the business of second-handed books, calligraphy and fine arts. 上海图书公司是上海世纪出版集团的全资子公司,以古旧书刊、字画、艺术品的经营和图书零售为主业,是集团直接面向社会广大读者的形象窗口。