- Gushi broilers 固始鸡
- The chicken farm has raised about 2,000 broilers. 这家养鸡场饲养了大约2000只肉用鸡。
- The other broilers group in the model. 模式之爱拔益加肉鸡组。
- To make toasts: Prepare grill or preheat broiler. 制作烤面包片:准备烤架或预热烤焙用具。
- Matsui Japan 3: "broiler" why "spring chicken"? 3日本松井:“童子鸡”为什么叫“春天的小鸡”?
- The amylase activity in pancrea and duodenum chyme showed the character of the strain which the broiler was the highest and the layer was the lowest, the Gushi and Gushi hybrid were in between. 胰腺和食糜中淀粉酶活性具有品种特点,表现为肉鸡最高,蛋鸡最低,固始鸡和杂交同始鸡居中。
- Coccidiostats are routinely used in broiler feeds every day. 抗球虫药物每天均用于肉用仔鸡饲料中。
- Chen Zhenggao, the word Yimin, Gwangju Gushi (this is a Henan) people. 陈政,字一民,光州固始(今属河南)人。
- Place frittata in broiler until top is set, about 1 minute. 将煎饼放在上面加热约1分钟。
- Production of broiler chickens in 2006 is expected up 3 percent. 预计2006年肉鸡产量会增长3%25。”
- Breast blister is an important factor affecting the carcass grade of broilers. 笼养肉仔鸡胸囊肿的发生使其产品质量下降。
- After she put the lamb chops in the broiler, she sat down to open the package. 她把羊排放进烤肉器里以后,便坐下来开那盒子。
- Inosinice acid (IMP) contents of pectoralis muscles in Xianju chickens and Gushi chichens were tested by HPLC method. 采用高效液相技术,测定仙居鸡和固始鸡胸肌肌苷酸的含量。
- Excess salt induced PVR, which was prevented by verapamil in broiler chickens. 高盐诱发了肉鸡PVR,维拉帕米显著抑制了高盐对PVR的诱发作用。
- The fresh red blood cells of Gushi chicken, Wu chicken and ostrich were lysed by addition of 0. 本研究采集新鲜固始鸡、丝毛乌鸡和鸵鸟血液,用0。
- The ones we can find now are his Dutong Tie (Stomach ache Calligraphy Copybook) and Gushi Si Tie (Four Poem Calligraphy Copybook). 可见到的有《肚痛贴》、《古诗四帖》等。
- The earomagnetic anomaly in the north part of the Gushi depression reflected the pitching trend of the Archeozoic stratum to the southwest. 推断固市凹陷北部的航磁异常反映了太古代地层向南西倾伏。
- Part Three Putting forward of main countermeasures of elimination of phenomenon of personnel“faultage”of State Tax Bureau of Gushi County. 第三部分,提出消除固始县国税局人员断层的主要对策。
- Many consumers still associate the yellow color of broilers with healthy chickens. 许多消费者仍把肉仔鸡的黄色与健康鸡联系起来。
- Gu Jiegang also said that, it is reason to believe that his book is "Ancient identified" rather than "Gushi Bian" (ibid.). 顾颉刚也说过,人们有理由认为他的书是“古书辨”而不是“古史辨”(同前)。