- The fresh red blood cells of Gushi chicken, Wu chicken and ostrich were lysed by addition of 0. 本研究采集新鲜固始鸡、丝毛乌鸡和鸵鸟血液,用0。
- The results showed that a recessive sexlinked gene id existed on sex chromosomes of Taihe chicken, Gushi chicken and Langshan chicken, while a dominant repressive gene Id exixted on those of Xiaoshan chicken. 试验结果表明 :泰和鸡、固始鸡、狼山鸡 ( N系 ) 3个鸡种性染色体上含有隐性伴性基因 id,萧山鸡性染色体上含有显性抑制基因 Id。
- Effect of Feathering Growth Gene on the Main Productive Traits of Gushi Chicken 羽速基因对固始鸡主要生产性能的影响
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Study on Changeful Regularity of Different Layers Temperatures in Solid Hatchling Cages and heir Effects on Growth of Gushi Chickens 立体育雏笼不同层面温度变化规律及其对固始鸡生长发育的影响
- Give me an order of chicken curry. 给我来一份咖喱鸡。
- Typical Relevent Analysis between Physiological Constant and Bodily Parameter of Gushi Chicken 固始鸡生理性状与体型参数的典型相关分析
- One end of the garden was fenced off for chickens. 花园的一端已用篱笆隔开来养鸡。
- Leave the chicken out overnight to thaw it out. 把这只鸡在外放一晚上就解冻了。
- Three of the chickens hatched today. 今天有三只小鸡出壳。
- He boarded up the flock of chickens. 他用板把那群小鸡圈了起来。
- She used up the chicken bones to make soup. 她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。
- He decorated the chicken with sprigs of parsley. 他用欧芹的嫩枝点缀在鸡上。
- He trussed the chicken's feet up. 他把鸡腿紧扎起来以便烹烤。
- There was fried chicken for dinner. 有炸鸡肉作晚餐。
- He is trying out chicken fat for crackling. 他正在熬鸡油以便取得油渣。
- No, hold it a second, switch that to roast chicken. 不,等一等,把那个换成烤子鸡。
- They had chicken breast for supper. 他们晚饭吃鸡胸肉。
- He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken. 他为我切了几块很好的鸡肉。
- Two chicken curriesand rice to take away, please. 劳驾,要两份外卖的咖喱鸡饭。