- The latest two heroes in the Olympics were Gustavo Borges (four medals) and Fernando Scherer (two medals).Are they your idols? 最近两位奥运英雄分别是Gustavo Borges(四块奖牌)Fernando Scherer(两块奖牌)他门是你的偶像么?
- Gustavo Borges 博尔赫斯, 博尔热斯
- Phil Borges is among recent "Giraffe Heroes. 菲尔鲍杰就是最近的“长颈鹿英雄”之一。
- Photos are by Gustavo Sanabria . 照片是由古斯塔沃桑纳比亚。
- Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and Gustavo A. Cisneros 委内瑞拉加拉加斯;
- In 1921 Borges settled in Buenos Aires. 在1921年博尔赫斯定居在布宜诺斯艾利斯。
- Gustavo: What is the decision based on? 小古:依据哪里些来决议呢?
- First known contact with the Borg. 与博格人已知的第一次接触。
- Isak Borg: But, this patient is dead. 但是,这个病人已经死了。
- Gustavo : Those red beams can't sniff out the high-quality fakes. 小古:那些红光没办法侦测出制作精良的伪钞。
- Feal Berges (Phil Borges) is among recent giraffe heroes. 就是被表彰的众多“长颈英雄”中的一员。
- Gustavo : I saw a flyer for the Failed Shareholders Social Club. 小古:我看到一张失意股东俱乐部的传单。
- Mister Borges has also taken his camera to Afghanistan. 强),肯尼亚,尼泊尔,印度以及美国本土亚利桑那州的小村落。
- Emilio will report to Gustavo Arenas the new Chief Sales Officer. 埃米利奥将直接汇报给古斯塔沃舞台上的新销售总监。
- I found it in the Library of Borges by evolving it at my desk. 在我的书桌上进化出它来,由此而在博尔赫斯图书馆里找到它。
- Or should I pluck a few Gustavo licks to win an award? 或者我该从古斯塔夫的拍子里拔毛好赢个小金人?
- Gustavo: OK, already. I guess they're good for recycling. 小古:好吧。我想他们回收资源是不错的。
- Borges's political opinions were not considered inoffensive. 博尔赫斯的政治意见在一定程度冒犯了他人。
- The same transformation could be done to the Library of Borges. 同样的转变在博尔赫斯图书馆里也可以实现。
- Gustavo: I bet they look at product recognition as well. 小古:我赌他们也看品牌出名度吧。