- V. 2 studies showed ways in which entire HIV anti-H.I.V. drugs could permit infected woman women to breastfeed the new borns their newborns with less risk of passing the virus to them. 2项研究表明,利用抗艾滋病毒药物,可以使感染病毒的母亲不如她们的新生儿时降低将病毒传染给他们的危险。
- V. 2 studies showed ways , in which entire HIV anti-H.I.V. drugs could permit infected women to drugs feed breastfeed their new borns, newborns with less risk of passing the virus to them. 2项研究展示了反艾滋药物能让受到感染的妇女用母奶喂养她们的新生婴儿,而把病毒传染给他们的风险却很小。
- How can an infected woman make a choice on pregnancy? 受感染妇女如何做一个怀孕的抉择?
- He could be infected by having sex with an infected woman. 他可能因与受感染的女人性交而被传染上疾病。
- He could be infected by sexual intercourse with an infected woman. 他可能会因为和一个感染了的女人发生性关系而被感染
- There is no vaccine against HIV infection. 现在还没有防艾滋病病毒传染的疫苗。
- AIDS is another name for HIV infection. 艾滋病是艾滋病病毒感染的另一个名称。
- These are cells of the type that HIV infects. 而这些细胞正是艾滋病毒感染的那一类细胞。
- The hemophiliac patient--who needs blood transfusions at regular intervals--is all too often the "victim"of HIV infected blood. 血友病患者由于需要定期输血,经常成为HIV污染的血浆的受害者。
- Objective:To investigate on epidemiologic feature and clinical trait of obituary cases of HIV infected in Shantou city. 目的:了解艾滋病感染者死亡的流行病学特征及临床特点。
- These 35 HIV infected cases were mostly distributed in 6 counties,such as Dongfang(6.45%),Ledong(4.29%),Danzhou(3.03%),Sanya(2.30%) etc. 35名阳性者分布在东方(6.;45%25)、乐东(4
- As long as they have no symptoms, infected women and men cannot transmit trichomonas to another person. 感染了滴虫的男性和女性,只要他们没有了症状就不会传染给他人。
- Also disclosed are a method for evaluating an anti-HIV activity of MBP comprising the step of culturing HIV infected cells under the presence of MBP. 此外,还揭示了包括在MBP存在下对HIV感染细胞进行培养的步骤在内的MBP所显现的抗HIV活性的评价方法。
- Each year about 200 new cases of HIV infection are diagnosed. 现时每年新诊断的爱滋病病毒感染个案约有200宗。
- For this drug Viagra from 24 infected women prostitution case, the police have not described in detail. 对于这起患艾吸毒女卖淫感染24人的案例,警方并没有详细介绍。
- The results also suggested significant improvement of the proprietors' attitude towards HIV infected people and patients after intervention. 娱乐场所老板对艾滋病感染者及患者的态度在干预后有明显改善;
- Hepatic Abscesses in Young Adult; A Clue of HIV Infection? 年轻成人的肝脓疡;HIV感染的线索?
- We will help prevent millions of new HIV infections from occurring. 我们将帮助避免新的成千上万的HIV感染出现。
- In other new research, a study has found that circumcision does not decrease the risk that H.I.V. positive men will infect women. 在其他最新研究中,一项调查发现,包皮环切手术不能降低艾滋病毒阳性的男子感染女性的风险。
- After all, HIV infection and nongonococcal only one step away. 毕竟,感染非淋和感染艾滋病只有一步之遥。