- D y? I d n t. B s y s k i, f y h s i w L b. 托德:我猜我上回和她来这里的时候做了相同的事情。我是指睡着的事。对我来讲,这出戏不是那么有吸引了。
- L T E .R - F H S .D R 3 0 0 2 D B ? 如发现有侵权,请来信告知,本站将会以最快的速度删除和改正。
- Call me at home. H's not at his desk at zhe moment. 打到我家来。他现在不在办公室。
- T h e m a n w h o l a u g h s b e s t l a u g h s l a s t . 熟能生巧,关了准星一开始我连马都射不着,后来慢慢就有点准头了。不过现在差不多一个月没怎么玩了,估计又该找不着北了。。。
- L, h, t t i c o m c a s o t i t c m c s a h s t w m. 可是后来我的班主任老师和学校学生工作处的几位老师找我谈了好几次话。
- The first snag occurs at some D that is preceded by an equal number of D's and H's. 在某点D第一次出现困难,在其前面有相等个数的D和H。
- He's declined all interviews. H's simply stayed at home with his wife and new baby. 他谢绝采访,只是和他的妻儿隐居在家中。
- In looking at a drop30 of water under a microscope31 , we find there are twice as many H's as O's. 在显微镜底下看一滴水,我们发现氢原子的数量是氧原子数量的两倍。
- Researchers from the J H's Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the United States did the study. 来自美国约翰霍普金斯彭博公共卫生学院的研究员作了这项调查研究。
- Just this morning, I got really annoyed because of H's habit of never picking up after himself. 要改变一个人嘅习惯,尤其是饮食方面,喺终极困难。
- Our immune systems, familiar with other H's and N's, do not know what to make of it. 我们的免疫系统熟悉其他H和N,但不知道如何处理这种病毒。
- When you use the C a s h S p a c e Ref Bar you accumulate ad points.These points are used to increase your referral group. 你通过广告条所得的点数,只是用来赚取你的下线,仅仅当你或是你的下线收到本公司付款通知时,你才能获得相应的报酬。
- West R M, Tapp H S, Spink D M, et al. Application specific optimization of regularization for electrical impedance tomography [J]. Meas. Sci. Technol. , 2001, 12: 1050-1054. 侯卫东张卫民.;电阻抗成像中有限元法的算法实现[J]
- Joachim H S, Stephen M, Sabol, et al.Cyclic Thermal Shock Resistance of Several Advance Ceramics and Ceramic Composites[J].Am Ceram Soc, 1998,81(7):1888. 吕珺;郑治祥;金志浩;等.;晶须及颗粒增韧氧化铝基陶瓷复合材料的抗热震性能[J]
- LI D M,Wei M.Zhang H S,Wang X F.Effects of NPK rates and ratios on activities of metabolism enzymes in leaves of cucumber in greenhouse[J].Plant Nutr.Fert.Sci.,2006,12(3):382-387. [6]李冬梅;魏珉;张海森;王秀峰.;氮、磷、钾用量和配比对温室黄瓜叶片相关代谢酶活性的影响[J]
- Liu H S,Song Q H,Li F M.The roles of root exudation on rhizosphere nutrient and rhizosphere microorganisms[J].Acta Bot.Boreal.-Occident.Sin.,2002,22(3):693-702. [9]刘洪升;宋秋华;李凤民.;根分泌物对根际矿物营养及根际微生物的效应[J]
- This approach seems to follow the direction of Husser's questions on phenomenology, but fundamentally H's research is not the continuation and conclusion of Husser's phenomenology. 尽管海德格尔这种追问方式似乎继续贯彻了胡塞尔现象学提问的方向,但从根本上说,海德格尔的研究内容并非是胡塞尔现象学研究纲领的继续和推论。
- Feng S Q, Li H S, Yue B.Effect of different Ca2+ concentration on absorption and assimilation of NO3- N in wheat [ J ].Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 1999, 27(Suppl. ): 26-30. [2]丰盛求;李和生;岳兵.;不同Ca2+浓度对小麦幼苗NO3-N吸收、同化的影响[J]
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他们在气候较暖的地方过冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英语的复数名词多以“s”结尾。