- Haemophilus pleuropneumonia 嗜血杆菌胸膜肺炎
- Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae 胸膜肺炎嗜血菌
- It revealed that treating the acute pleuropneumonia with tilmicosin in 10 mg/kg b. w. was effective and suitable. 结果表明,替米考星治疗急性猪肺疫效果确实,推荐剂量为10mg/kg体重。
- Effect Evaluation of Chocolate Medium Made of Three Kinds of Animal Blood Using for Isolate Haemophilus Influenzae. 三种动物血巧克力平板分离流感嗜血杆菌效果评价。
- Abstract: A case of infectious pleuropneumonia was diagnosed by routine pathologic methods. 摘要:采用常规的病理学诊断方法,对一例羊传染性胸膜肺炎进行了确诊。
- Objective To evaluate isolating efficacy of an improved chocolated Columbia Agar (ICCA) for Haemophilus influenzae. 目的评价自制改良哥伦比亚巧克力培养基(ICCA)对流感嗜血杆菌(Hin)的分离培养效果。
- A case of infectious pleuropneumonia was diagnosed by routine pathologic methods. 摘要采用常规的病理学诊断方法,对一例羊传染性胸膜肺炎进行了确诊。
- HIB Hib, or Haemophilus I influenzae type B b, requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. Hib或称为B型嗜血杆菌流感需要集中的抗生素治疗。
- Purpose: To report a case of Haemophilus influenzae-associated scleritis after pterygium excision. 摘要目的:报告一个在翼状赘片切除术后因嗜血性流感菌引起之巩膜炎。
- Objective To establish a simple and effective method for isolation of Haemophilus species. 目的建立一种简便、有效的分离嗜血杆菌的方法。
- Porcine contagious pleuropneumonia is one of the five primary diseases that threaten modern pig industry throughout the world. 猪胸膜肺炎是国际上公认的危害现代养猪业的五大疾病之一。
- Conclusions: Haemophilus influenzae is a relatively rare pathogen in infectious scleritis after pterygium excision. 结论:在翼状赘片切除术后发生的感染性巩膜炎,嗜血性流感菌是一罕见的致病菌。
- HIB or Haemophilus influenzae type B requires intensive treatments with anti-biotics. Hib,即b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌需要使用抗生素进行强化治疗。
- China has been free from Rinderpest since 1955, and has eradicated Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia since January 16,1996. 中国境内从未发生过痒病、牛海绵状脑病、非洲马瘟、非洲猪瘟、水泡性口炎、结节性皮炎、裂谷热和小反刍兽疫。
- These bacteria are mainly Fusobacterium, Haemophilus, Streptococcus and韦荣Treponema teeth, such as dirt. 这些细菌主要是梭杆菌、嗜血杆菌、韦荣球菌和齿垢密螺旋体等。
- The contagious porcine pleuropneumonia is a respiratory tract infection in pigs.High occurrence rate of the disease has been reported worldwide. 摘要猪传染性胸膜肺炎是由胸膜肺炎放线杆菌引起的一种呼吸道疾病。
- Haemophilus parasuis is a causative agent of swine polyserositis, polyarthritis and meningitis. 副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus parasuis,HPS)能引起猪的多发性浆膜炎、关节炎和脑膜炎,随着世界养猪业的发展,该病已成为全球范围内影响养猪业的一种重要细菌学疾病。
- China has been free from Rinderpest since 1955, and has eradicated Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia since January 16, 1996. 中国境内从未发生过痒病;牛海绵状脑病;非洲马瘟;非洲猪瘟;水泡性口炎;结节性皮炎;裂谷热和小反刍兽疫.
- The detection of Haemophilus and its resistance against to antimicrobial a-gents in Wenzhou district. 温州地区嗜血杆菌的检出及耐药性分析。
- It indicated the Haemophilus parasuis isolate would be a high pathogenic potential strain. 结果表明,此分离株为一高致病潜力的菌株。