- Children who grew up outside of Hakka communities have never been involved in activities with so many Hakkas before. 许多没住在客族聚落的孩子,还是第一次和这麽多客家人一起活动。
- In southern Taiwan, Meinung is a Hakka community whose economy is mainly based on agriculture. 美浓在南台湾,以客家人为主,以农业为主。
- The President of Sarawak Hakka Community Association Liu Toh Khian delivering his opening speech. 砂拉越客属公会会长兼晋汉省华总会长刘道健(左一)致开幕词。
- The two communities are separated by a highway. 这两个社区由一条公路隔开。
- Hakka communities 客家族群
- Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities. 公共交通对许多农村居民来说是不可或缺的。
- There are lots to say about the dieting of Hakka. 在饮食方面可以说的很多。
- To eat authentic Dongjiang Hakka food? 地道的东江客家菜吗?
- Hakka and English - Coincidence? 英语与客家话的巧合?
- The two communities live together in peace (with one another). 这两个社区和平相处。
- Is a typical Dongjiang Hakka dish. 是东江客家菜的名菜。
- Is also a famed Dongjiang Hakka dish. 也是东江客家菜的一大名菜。
- Hakka people around the world unite. 全世界客家人联合起来!
- Stalks basil is used quite a lot in Hakka dishes. 九层塔的独持香味深为客家人所喜爱,而被大量用在菜肴中。
- Qin oi gie Hakka peng yiu,am ya ho! 你也是客家人?鄙人精通客家话,有机会可探讨。
- Hakka is a distinctive Chinese Patriarchal clan. 客家人是汉民族的一个民系。
- Communities sometimes seem to be bedevilled. 社会有时似乎受了蛊惑。
- New communities will form for console players. 一个界于PC和游戏机之间新的玩家团体将会产生。
- Many rural communities are depressed. 许多农村地区境况凄凉。
- At times, they devastate whole communities. 有时候,龙卷风会毁灭整个社区。