- The emperor used to take a rest in this hall on his way to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. 皇帝曾在去太和殿的路上在这儿休息了一会儿。
- A huge streamer is hung below the eaves of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Imperial Palace. 太合殿房檐下悬挂着一块巨大的横额。
- Framed by an intricate screen, the Forbidden City's grand Hall of Supreme Harmony sits across a broad courtyard. 被一个错综复杂的屏风加了外框,紫禁城壮丽的太和殿坐落在宽广的庭院里。
- There are lots of mythological animals on the upturned eaves of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, normally, the moreof the animals, the higherof the architectural standard. 太和殿垂脊上饰有许多神兽,一般来说,神兽越多,建筑规格越高。
- "Jianjisuiyou" (meaning a peaceful great country under law and order) was written on the inscribed horizontal board on the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Palace Museum of Beijing. 故宫太和殿的横匾上写着“建极绥猷”。
- Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest hall in the Forbidden City. Many important ceremonies were held in this hall,for example,the celebration of the Spring Festival the enthronement of an emperor or the celebration of the emperor's birthday. 太和殿是故宫中最大的殿,在这里曾举行许多重要的庆典,比如春节庆典、皇帝加冕或是皇帝作寿。
- Because the Hall of Supreme Harmony was a symbol of imperial power, it was the highest structure in the nation during the Ming and Qing dynasties - no other building was allowed to be higher than it. 因为太和殿象征着皇权,所以在明清时期他是中国最高的建筑物,其他建筑都不允许高过它。
- The Palace Museum the Hall of Supreme Harmony 十五世纪初故宫博物院
- The big courtyard in Front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿前广场
- the Hall of Supreme Harmony (in the former Imperial Palace) 太和殿
- Establishment of Precise Network for 3D Laser Scanning of the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿3维激光扫描精密控制网建立研究
- "Farther north, raised on a marble terrace, is the massive, double-tiered Hall of Supreme Harmony, once the throne hall, one of the largest wooden structures in China." 再向北,高踞于大理石阶梯上的是宏大、重檐的太和殿(至高无上的协和大殿),此殿曾是安置皇位之处,也是中国规模最大的木造建筑。
- the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿
- Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿
- What ornaments are placed in front of the Gate of Supreme Harmony? 太和门门前有什么装饰物?
- 00 p.m., and small S, Chen states,范玮琪, Makiyo to such friends with Cecilia Cheung Hsin Yi Road is located in the Hall of Supreme Harmony,柏芝favorite eating spicy hot pot,柏芝soothe the mood of sadness. 这个月初艺人陈建州才带着张柏芝前往荣总探视癌症病童们,不幸的是,日前有位病童不幸离开人世。
- The gate of Supreme Harmony is more modest than the main Meridian Gate. But by any other standards it is most imposing. 相比于午门的威仪,太和门可能略显不足。但是从其他标准(除了威仪性)而言,太和门就显得幽雅大方,让人印象深刻。
- He won a lasting place in the actor's Hall of Fame. 他在演剧界享有无可动摇的地位。
- We are old friends, you have several interview today that the size of the Hall of Supreme tiles can be said to have been beyond the imagination of the industry. 我们是老朋友了,曾经几次采访您,今天看到磁砖至尊殿的规模可以说已经超出行业的想象力了。
- The Gate of Supreme Harmony is guarded by a pair of bronze lions. Beyond the gate there is a vast courtyard of 10, 000 square metres in area. There are many big cauldrons for storing water against fire in the courtyard. 太和门被一对铜狮守护。门内是一座宽阔的宫院,面积有1万平方米。宫院内有许多蓄水防火用的大铜缸。