- Han and British nstions 汉英民族
- What are the difference between the American and British systems of government? 英美两国的政府体制有什么不同?
- Did the war stop after Han and Song dynasty????? 战争在汉宋以后就停止了吗?????
- She was American by birth and British by marriage. 她生在美国,结婚后入了英国籍。
- U.S. and British officials deny the allegation. 美国和英国官员否认该指控。
- S. and British officials deny the allegation. 美国和英国官员否认该指控。
- He has dual nationality, both Chinese and British. 他拥有中国和英国的双重国籍。
- Box and British statistician Gwilym M. Box和英国统计学家Gwilym M.
- Matches ideographic characters, such as Han and Kanji. 匹配表意文字字符,如汉字和日文汉字。
- A fascinating mixture of the Han and Tibetan cultures and arts. 布达拉宫是汉藏文化艺术的结晶。
- Han and Tang dynasties lengthways,and Japan breadthwise. 纵向汉唐,横向日本。
- Sui Yangdi is a mixed blood emperor between Han and Xianbei. 隋炀帝本人就是一个汉族与鲜卑族的混血帝王。
- Thousands of American and British sailors drowned in icy water. 数以千计的美国和英国水手在冰冷的海水里葬身鱼腹。
- It's sometimes hard to understand American and British accents. 有时很难理解美式和英式英语的口音。
- A:From the border between Alberta and British Columbia. 在亚伯达省和卑斯省边界。
- The country was hence formed, and was passed down to Han and Tang Dynasties. 乃成国家,传之汉唐。
- United Empire Loyalists. Americans and British Immigrants. 保皇党,美国及英国移民。
- From the border between Alberta and British Columbia. 在亚伯达省和卑斯省边界。
- But in the Canadian and British sectors, the frontier is unguarded. 但在加拿大与英国的防区,前线不设防。
- The Taylors are like many American and British parents. 泰勒夫妇像许多美国、英国的父母一样。