- Han poetry in ancient Korea 朝鲜汉诗
- The Book of songs was the first anthology of poetry in ancient China. 《诗经》是中国古代第一部诗歌总集。
- The civilization of ancient korea has three sources: one is the ten clays myths of Tang Gu Fusang in ancient china. 古朝鲜文化有三个来源:一是中华古老的汤谷扶桑十日神话,汤谷指朝鲜半岛东南端观日出测日影之地,也是朝鲜一词产生的人文基础。
- "Saga of King Tongmyong" written by Yi Kyu-bo is the first long narrative poem in ancient Korea, and the tyical "resurrection" of mythological and legendary history and literature full of illusion and romanticism. 摘要《东明王篇》是朝鲜古代第一部长篇敍事诗,是神话传说历史化和作家文学中“复活”的一个典型例子,具有强烈的幻想和浪漫主义色彩,情节离奇古怪,但有生活依据,偶然中蕴藏著必然性。
- My little daughter likes reciting poetry in public. 我的小女儿喜欢当众背诵诗歌。
- The theories of idealist philosophy in ancient Korea came from China, which was first proposed by Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, and developed quickly when they were applied to the circumstances in Korea. 摘要朝鲜朝性理学是从中国程朱理学发展而来的,但是结合当时朝鲜朝社会的实际情况,性理学得到了空前的发展而自成体系。
- Neiyiyuan was the Royal Medical Hospital of Chosun Dynasty (1392-1897) in ancient Korea dealing with the diseases of the monarch lasting for about -500 years (from the early Chosun to 1895). 内医院是韩国朝鲜时代(1392-1897)的王室医疗机关,从朝鲜时代初建立到1895年,持续了约500年。
- Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight. 古代的士兵用饰有花纹的盾作战。
- A belt or girdle worn by men in ancient Greece. 腰带古希腊男人用的腰带或束带
- She wrote most of her poetry in blank verse. 她所写的诗大部分都是无韵诗。
- I don't like reciting poetry in public. 我不喜欢当众背诵诗歌。
- In ancient times lepers were thought unclean. 在古代,麻疯病人被认为是不洁净的。
- She began writing poetry in her teens. 她从十几岁开始写诗。
- Now what are Liao River Bei River Lie River, This concems ancient Korean geographical position and where isboundary of Yan Qing Han and ancient Korea. 辽水、水、列水当今何水,关系到古朝鲜的地理方位和燕、秦、汉与古朝鲜的边界在哪里的问题。
- There was poetry in all her gestures. 她一举一动都很优美。
- In ancient times the earth was conceived as a flat disc. 在古代人们认为地球呈扁平的圆盘状。
- Comment on the Poet Li Dong's Poetry in. 晚唐诗人李洞诗歌试论;
- We will all have a course in ancient history this term. 这个学期我们都有一门古代史课程。
- Her little daugter likes reciting poetry in public. 她的小女儿喜欢当众背诵诗歌。
- Toyota:Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 丰田:动态的诗,向我舞近。