- Han yu da zi dian 汉浯大字典
- Han Yu Da Ci Dian is one of the highest level Chinese dictionaries, but because of the limitation of historical condition, the dictionary ignores to review ordinary books and words. 汉语大词典》是一部代表中国二十世纪历史性语文辞书的最高编纂水平的辞典,但由于历史条件的限制,忽视了常见书和常用词的考察,存在着一些问题。
- Ju Shanghai Han fen lou jie Jiangnan tu shu guan cang Riben fan Song da zi ben ying yin. 据上海涵芬楼借江南图书馆藏日本翻宋大字印本影印.
- Beijing Heng Yu Da Ye Investment Co., Ltd. 北京恒宇大业投资有限公司。
- Here's the famous Han Yu Temple in Chaozhou. 这里就是潮州著名的韩愈祠。
- Han Yu was an outstanding proser in Tang dynasty. 韩愈是唐代杰出的散文家。
- Originale: I Dieci Tronchi celesti vanno da jia a gui, i Dodici Rami terrestri vanno da zi a hai. 注解:中国古代计时以十干和十二支来计算,十干就是指甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。十二支是子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、戊、未、申、酉、戌、亥。
- On Han Yu took benefactor, talent studies, a classical-style exposition. 韩愈论伯乐与千里马,是人才学上,一篇经典式的论述。
- Make attempt to write the 'han yu pin yin' of the characters being formed. 把拼出来的字,记录下来,然后进行例出它的汉语拼音写法。
- I am a graduate of Yu Da Commercial School, and hve recently completed the business course at the T. Unviersity of Commerce. 本人毕业于玉达商校,日前即修完T大商业科。
- If you visit the Yu Da Long Garden, Danxian 1000000 Qihuayicao, brilliant gorgeous. 如阁下光临裕达隆花园,但见百万株奇花异草,灿烂艳丽。
- I am a graduate of Yu Da Commercial School, and have recently completed the business course at the T. University of Commerce. 本人毕业于玉达商校,日前即修完大商业科。
- The people later criticize or discuss Han Yu because Liuzhou Luochi Miao Bei contained many fantastic contents. 由于此文包含大量荒诞不经的内容,后人因此或者指责韩愈或者为其辩解。
- Wang Ya always communicated with famous poets such as Han Yu and Liu Yuxi on poems. 王涯与当时著名诗人韩愈、刘禹锡等多有诗歌往来赠答。
- Ever-changing with sentential irregularity, Han Yu's writings are very imposing and appealing. 韩愈的文章气势充沛,句式错落,纵横开阖,变化多端,具有强烈的感染力。
- It is a key content of literary thoughts of Han Yu and Boileau to study the ancient. 摘要学习古人是韩愈和布瓦洛文学文学思想的核心内容。
- Changli is the hometown of an excellent writer named Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty. 昌黎是唐朝大文学家韩愈的郡望。
- According to legend, the name of cakes and sweetmeats, or Tang dynasty writer Han Yu from the big. 据传,茶食这一名字,还是唐代大文学家韩愈起的。
- Han Xiang was one of the Eight Immortals.He was Han Yu"s grandnephew and sought to achievement all his life in history. 韩湘是八仙之一,历史上实有其人,乃韩愈侄孙,是一介功名之士,无半点仙家气质。
- Economic thought substantially of Han Yu comes out from the expression in two kinds of articles. 韩愈的经济思想大体上从两类文章中表现出来。