- He came running here with one hand holding a knife. 他手上握着刀向这里跑来。
- One slim hand held above her eyes to shield them from the sun. 一只纤细的手放在眼睛上面遮住太阳。
- Mr. Crich went forward with his hand held out to her. 克里奇先生走上前去向她伸出了手。
- Visitors can strap themselves into a Manned Maneuvering Unit simulator and attempt to rendezvous with a satellite. 观众可坐在一个模拟太空飞行背包上,尝试与人造卫星会合。
- Honeywell Announces Agreement to Acquire Hand Held Products Inc. 霍尼韦尔宣布收购手持产品有限公司。
- Check the function of the hand held pendant control. 检查手持式控制板功能。
- This paper described the composition of manned maneuvering unit (MMU) virtual prototyping system in the virtual reality environment. 摘要叙述了虚拟现实环境下载人机动装置(MMU)虚拟样机系统的组成。
- Upon him the Tiger purred, and his hand held manna to scatter. 老虎遇到他都会臣服,而比利手持甘露四处撒播。
- A hand held controller used with microcomputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen. 一种手握控制装置,同微机和电子游戏机联用,以控制光标或显示的图形在屏幕上的运动。
- It is a hand held, self contained, rechargeable cordless polish. 这是手扶, 独立性, 可再充电的无绳的擦亮剂。
- Come outside with your hands held high. 举起手走出来。
- With hands held high into the skies above. 向着遥不可及的天空高举双手。
- Every year the army and the navy hold maneuvers for practice. 每年陆军和晦军都举行防空演习。
- Some are not as practical but can still provide some wow factor like the ability to play a lullaby to the baby, a night-light and a intercom system so you can talk to the infant controlled all by the hand held unit. 一些不是同样实际的,但是能仍然提供一些哇象玩一首催眠曲到婴儿,一个寝室和一个内部通信系统系统因此你能与都手控制的婴儿谈话的能力一样的因素成立了联合起来。
- Astronaut Stabilizer Maneuvering Unit 宇航员稳定器机动装置
- Experimental Remote Maneuvering Unit 实验性远距离操纵装置
- The hand holds the carnation, gives to world all mother. 在母亲节里我手捧康乃馨,献给天下所有的母亲。
- Simplify XHTML for devices like hand held computers, mobile phones, TV, and home appliances. 为手提电脑,移动电话,电视和家电这类设备来设计简单的XHTML。
- With hands holding her chin, her mind went away. 她双手托着腮帮子,不知道在想什么。