- Handheld mobile TV 手机电视
- Can handheld mobile devices dramatically change the learning style? 手持移动设备能够显著改变学习特征吗?
- China mobile TV spec similar to Europe's DVB-SH. 中国移动电视规范类似欧。
- Japan started providing mobile TV based on ISDB-T in 2006. 在2006年,日本已经开始提供以ISDB-T为基础的移动电视。
- Despite all this activity, however, the prospects for mobile TV are unclear. 但当我们抛开这些,移动电视的前景仍然是不明朗的。
- "There is no chance a Chinese bank would invest in our company," which rewrites Microsoft and RealPlayer code to run on handheld mobile devices, says Mr.Chen. “国内银行不可能会对我们这样的公司进行投资”,陈克俭坦言道,“在中国,当一家企业生意兴隆时,各家银行会纷纷主动找上门来提供资金;
- Due to the increasing power and miniaturisation of computers it is now feasible to have a handheld mobile computer that delivers rich media content to the palm of the user's hand. 无线网络技术提供了即时通信和随时随地存取知识的工具和原料的可能性。
- The move by the European Commission could spur growth in the fledgling but potentially lucrative mobile TV sector. 欧盟委员会的动作可以除了可能有利益的行动电视磁区之外在年轻无经验者中刺激成长。
- Visible, in area center city public transportation and mobile TV contains city of Troy outclass oversize. 可见,在区域中心城市公交移动电视含金量远高于特大型城市。
- "Unless it's easy for the consumer to use mobile TV will continue to be an experience for early adopters only. 如果使用不方便,移动电视服务的用户也就是一些早期的使用者而已。
- The onboard aircon mobile TV and other equipment have already successfully passed tests. 车里的空调、移动电视等设备目前已顺利通过测试。
- Nokia says it will support the DVB-H standard for mobile phones, but transmission frequencies for mobile TV have not yet been allocated yet. 诺基亚说这种机型也将会支持现有的DVB-H标准,但是这一段的传送频率还没有分配给他们。
- Samsung also jumped on the mobile TV bandwagon at CES announcing on Sunday its new mobile television standard dubbed A-VSB. 三星电子公司也为这一潮流推波助澜。周日该公司公布了他们自己的移动电视标准,取名为A-VSB。
- Company existing ripeness to products: high-end GPS car navigation systems, mobile TV, as well as its related high-tech and latest electronic products. 公司现有的成熟产品为:高端GPS汽车导航仪,移动电视,以及其相关的高新电子产品。
- Research on man-machine interaction of handheld mobile computing 手持移动计算中的人机交互技术研究
- WorldCom's vice president of Warner Bin Cui said the mobile TV into the TV media approach can help mobile operators from the television advertising market for television to a certain share of running. 世通华纳副总裁崔斌称,这种把移动电视纳入电视媒体的做法能够帮助移动电视媒体运营商从电视广告市场上争取到一定投放份额。
- The design and realization of handheld mobile position-fixed terminal 手持式移动定位终端的设计与实现
- The new picture of broadcasting media via mobile TV 手机电视重构收视媒介新格局
- She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。
- Please unplug the TV before you go to bed. 临睡前请拔下电视机的插头。