- Hani Susumu 羽仁进(1923-),日本人,导演。
- They explored this desert region in 1923. 他们於一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。
- In the 1923 decision United States v. 1923年,在United States v.
- Oh, I know the Hani ethnic group. 哎,哈尼族我知道。
- Coco Chanel's perfume was launched in 1923. 香奈尔的香水1923年投入市
- Are a branch of the ethnic Hani minority. 哦,没问题。走吧。是哈尼族的一个分支。
- Novo Nordisk has a long history since 1923. 诺和诺德的历史最早可追溯至1923年。
- Duke Ellington moved to New York City in 1923. 1923年,艾灵顿公爵搬到纽约市,
- Even after my somber lecture, Hani remained steadfast. 我跟汉尼一本正经地讲了一通,她却依然不肯打退堂鼓。
- He shared a 1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin. 他因发现胰岛素获得1923年诺贝尔奖。
- Hani blueberries, egra Alaskan salmon, brokoli, dhe almonds. Drink 莽aj jeshil dhe shum毛 uj毛.
- The play was given its first performance in June 1923. 这剧於19236月首次公演.
- The Hani ethic group is one of the ethnic minorities in China. 哈尼族是中国的一个少数民族。
- Several minorities like Dai, Hani,Lahu,Bulang live in this town. 全镇居住着傣、哈尼、拉祜、布朗等少数民族。
- Calvin?Coolidge became the American president in 1923. 卡尔文?柯立芝于1923年登上了美国总统宝座。
- Hani’s interests extend only to his own little fiefdom. 他只对他那一小块地感兴趣。
- Of 1923 surgeries,22 accidental vison loss happened. 1923例(1923眼)眼眶肿瘤摘除手术;22例发生意外视力丧失;占全部病例的1.;14%25。
- The Hani people has created world-famous Hani terrace culture. 摘要哈尼族人民用自己的双手和智慧创造了举世闻名的哈尼梯田文化。
- But in 1923 a startling new kind of reading was discovered. 但在1923年,有了一个惊人的新发现。
- Who was true Hani minority? They all worn minority clothes. 都穿上民族服装,猜猜谁是真的哈尼族?