- Has your rash cleared up yet? 你的皮疹消失了吗?
- Has your rash cleared up? 你的皮疹痊愈了吗?
- This ointment might help to clear up your rash. 这种药膏也许能消除你的皮疹.
- Have you consulted a doctor about your rash? 你找医生看过你的疹子吗?
- The mystery of the man's death has been cleared up. 此人神秘死亡的原因已被查清。
- You can have your food sent up to your hotel room - at a price. 你可以多花些钱让人把食物送到旅馆房间来。
- What you say has cleared up my confusions. 你的话使我茅塞顿开。
- It's a mystery that has never been cleared up. 这是一个解不开的谜。
- If you keep trying, you'll have your day in court. 如果你继续努力的话,你会得到陈述自己见解的机会的。
- The weather has cleared up,we can go out. 天晴了起来,我们可以出去了。
- How long has your brother been a soldier? 你兄弟当了多长时间的兵了?
- It's very likely to clear up by and by. 很可能不久要放晴了。
- This book has cleared up many problems for me. 这本书给我解决了许多难题。
- Have your children started school already? 你的孩子们已经上学了?
- It cleared up soon after the rain. 雨後天气迅速放晴。
- Don't worry, you'll soon have your work over. 别担心,你的事情很快就能做完。
- I'd like to have your advice on my composition. 我想请您对我的作文作些指导。
- Okay children, we'll clear up the room now. 好啦,孩子们,咱们现在打扫房间吧。
- Can we have your vote, please, mr. carter? 卡特先生,请您投票表决好吗?
- It doesn't suit you to have your hair cut short. 你不适合剪短发。